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@jayqi jayqi released this 14 Feb 15:17
  • New family of functions spongebobsay, spongebobthink, and spongebobwhisper that let you have ASCII Spongebob--in the style of cowsay--deliver your message WitH VisuAl flAiR aNd soPhIsTIcATIoN.
  • Standalone ASCII Mocking Spongebob art available as a character string via new function ascii_spongebob in case you want him to gAzE SiLEntlY aT You.
| neW fAMilY Of fUNCtiOns `sPOnGEboBsAy`, |
| `spONGeBoBTHinK`, aNd `sPonGEboBtHinK`  |
| THAt lET you HavE AsCiI sPOnGEbob--In   |
| the STyLe oF CowSAy--DeliVeR YoUR       |
| mesSaGe wiTh vISuaL FlAIr AND           |
| SophIStIcaTioN.                         |
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