Genome Annotation using Bayesian Inference (GABI)
- matrix: MxN binary matrix
- labels: M dim vector of profiles clusters (or cell type) membership
- matrixCT: (CxN binary matrix with C clusters (or cell types) ) Cleaned matrix
- matrixCTProba: (CxN binary matrix with C clusters (or cell types) ) Cleaned matrix probability to have a peak
- combmat: (CxK binary matrix with K combinations) Combinations between the cell types
- statemat: (MxK binary matrix with K combinations) Combinations between the cell types with all samples
- labels_states: (N integer vector) combinations position along the genome
import GABI as gbi
gb = gbi.GABI(labels)
matrixCT = gb.predict(matrix)
labels_states = gb.labels_state
statemat = gb.statemat
matrixCTProba = gb.predict(matrixC,GetProba=True)
The multiprocessing version slice the samples in groups of similar cell types and apply GABI on each part before merging them.
- distmat: (MxM distance matrix) Distance between the profiles. If empty, yule distance is used.
- Nclust: Number of cell types per slices
import GABI_MP as gbimp
gb = gbimp.GABI(matrix,labels,distmat=[],verbose=True,NClust=8)
matrixCT,statemat,labels_states = gb.predict()
combmat = gb.combmat
KeyboardInterrupt is handled in both version if we want to end the fit before the end.