ShouldReads is an app inspired by Goodreads built on Rails and Backbone. Users can search for books and book information. Book information includes title, author, number of pages, and a summary. Users can also rate and review books. The review information is then available to all users globally on the newsfeed or on the specific books show page.
Users are allowed to create bookshelves and add or remove books from bookshelves in order to sort them by categories such as read, to read, or currently reading.
- Custom authentication using BCrypt to store hashed passwords
- Search for books by accessing the Google Books API
- Rate and Review books
- Edit and delete your own book reviews
- Create and destroy bookshelves used for organizing books
- Add and remove books to bookshelves to sort by category
- View newsfeed to see what other users are saying about books
By accessing the Google Books API, users can access a huge library of books for use on the site.
Push code to trigger deploy
git push heroku master
Set env vars from Figaro:
figaro heroku:set -e production
Setup and seed the db:
heroku run rake db:setup
To start rails server using SSL
Install foreman
gem install foreman
Start server using foreman and development Procfile
foreman start -f