This repository contains my personal i3wm configuration for debian 12, along with a collection of useful tools and scripts. It's designed to provide a productive and visually appealing i3wm setup.
(screenshots are from my old ubuntu desktop)
Before you can use this configuration, you'll need to install the following dependencies:
- i3wm: This is the window manager we'll be using. Install it with:
sudo apt install i3
- Brightness Control: For adjusting screen brightness, install
sudo apt install brightnessctl
- Audio Control: Install
for audio control:
sudo apt install pulsemixer
- Media Control: To control media players, you can use
sudo apt install playerctl
- Terminal Emulator: We'll use
as the terminal emulator:
sudo apt install kitty
Compositor: For smooth transitions and transparency, install
picom: -
Image Viewer: Install
as the image viewer:
sudo apt install feh
- Bluetooth Manager: For managing Bluetooth devices, install
sudo apt install blueman
- Clipboard Manager: To manage your clipboard, install
sudo apt install diodon
In this repository, you'll find custom scripts for battery warnings and setting wallpapers:
- Battery Warning Script: You can execute the
script for battery level notifications. Make it executable and run it:
chmod +x /path/to/
- Wallpaper Setting Script: The
script sets the wallpaper. Make it executable and run it:
chmod +x /path/to/
- Wallpaper Setting Script: The
make double tap on touchpad possible:
The configuration includes keybindings for various tasks like opening applications, managing windows, and more. Refer to the i3 documentation or the comments within the configuration file for details on how to use them.
Screenshots can be taken using the Print key, and clipboard screenshots are available with Ctrl+Print. Refer to the keybindings section for more details.
Google Chrome and Nautilus can be launched with Mod+Shift+Z and Mod+Shift+X, respectively.
Use Mod+C to launch the clipboard manager, Diodon.
The wallpaper can be set with the
script, as mentioned in the prerequisites. -
Battery warning notifications can be enabled by running the
script periodically, as explained in the prerequisites. -
Media control keybindings (play/pause, next, previous) are available via XF86 multimedia keys.
Please customize and use this i3wm configuration to suit your needs. Enjoy your customized i3wm setup on Ubuntu 23.04!
For an alternative login manager, you can install ly
from the ly GitHub. Follow the instructions provided in the repository's README to install and configure it.
For "Auto-tiling" functionality, you can explore the autotiling
project on autotiling_GitHub.