This repository is used to hold an implementation of Flappy Bird that is capable of having a artificial intelligence learning alogrithms applied against it
There are two approaches used here: Q-Learning and DQN. In the case of Q-Learning, a variant is provided for a so-called "greedy" version.
To train a model, use this:
python3 train
This will create a model.txt file. If you want to train a fresh model, delete that file.
To run against the model, use this:
python3 run
To train a model, use this:
python3 train greedy
This will create a model_greedy.txt file. If you want to train a fresh model, delete that file.
To run against the model, use this
python3 run greedy
To train a model, use this:
python3 train
That will create a model.h5 file. If you want to train a fresh model, delete that file.
To run against a model, use this
python3 run