Main todo: Replace this whole damn project with an Ansible playbook.
Make Fedora instantly better with this install script.
There are a few shell scripts out there on GitHub, but most don't do what I want them to, and even fewer actually come with a license. So rather than forking something without a license and feeling vaguely uncomfortable about it, I'm creating my own, and doing it right. Well, right enough. For me. Use at your own risk.
These scripts served as an inspiration for my own. If you're interested in creating your own version of this script, consider checking these other tools out first, as they might take an approach that appeals to you, or just give you some ideas of things you'd like to implement.
- Sam Hewitt's Fedora Post Install Script
In lieu of using a bug tracker or tasklist, let me just lay out here the things I want to do:
- Add any extra repositories that I need: Chrome, RPM Fusion, ???
- Add all of the important pacakges to the package list
- Add some codecs
- Fonts
- Source Code Pro for Powerline
- Probably install some plugins for frequently used applications (GMic for Gimp, for example)
- Incease bash history size, or archive history items to another location
- Fix the stupid hidden-by-default scrollbars - export GTK_OVERLAY_SCROLLING=0
- Set up ownCloud, possibly other integrated accounts?
- Add solarized-gedit
- Create "Games" group in the Gnome menu
- Install Steam
- Perhaps break these packages into some sort of grouping, so I can interactively install or not install a group of packages
- Add all of the changes that need to be made to my dotfiles, as well as any themes for things like VIM and the Gnome Shell that I can't live without
Oh, and the script should probably only run as root, so, uh, test for that.