This is the challenge for march's first week. we must build a clock application with three functions:
show time
set alarms (it's ok if they work only when the tab is opened 😁)
stopwatch (it's ok if you don't implement laps)
Fork the branch with your name ( to your personal github account (Don't fork it to this organization)
Once you're done, you can submit a pull request to the branch inside this repository. It's encouraged to submit pull requests once you finish a part of the app, instead of only showing it to us once you finish it all.
March 5th. So we have one entire week to develop the project.
The solution must be done in client using javascript. it has to be an SPA.
Everything related to the core function of the app must be done all by yourself.
It's ok to use lodash or underscore. Actually, why wouldn't one use one of these in all situations?
The reason is simple: They provide you some kind of built in structure to use, while when using pure JS, you have to think of it yourself. you will learn more this way.
Angular, Angular 2, VUE, Ember...
React, Jquery, whatever.
use CSS libraries of any sort if you want. -- Unless the Challenge specific rules say the contrary
it doesn't matter if you use it without transpiling as long as it runs on the latest version of all browsers excluding internet explorer. Check compatibility at or