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jgoldshlag edited this page Jan 7, 2016 · 5 revisions

Here are the detailed, step by step instructions for people having trouble:

Download padherder proxy

  1. Go to Code at the top of this page, then click releases. Download the latest release of padherder proxy. It will be a .zip file.

  2. Unzip that file to wherever you want.

Enter your padherder account info

  1. Launch padherder proxy, click on Settings and fill in your padherder username and password. You should only need to do this once, as it will be remembered next time you run padherder proxy.

Installing the Certificates

This step only needs to be done once.


  1. Navigate to the ‘Settings’ app and tap on ‘Wi-Fi’

Step 1

  1. Tap on the wifi network you are currently connected to

Step 2

  1. This next page will display all of your network information, for the network you are connected to. Scroll down to the ‘HTTP Proxy’ settings and tap ‘Manual’.

Step 3

  1. You will now see 3 new boxes. Fill in the address displayed by the padherder proxy app, which should be something like '', and for port fill in '8080'. Leave Authentication off.

Step 4

  1. Tap the home button, and go to Safari. Type in "" in the address field at the top. You should see something like this:

Certificate install

  1. Tap iOS and you will be asked to install the profile

Install Profile

  1. Tap Install and you will get a warning


  1. Tap Install Now, it will ask you for your lock screen passcode or password, enter those and you should end up something like this


  1. Click Done, and go back and remove the HTTP proxy (set it back to Auto)


I don't have an Android device, but a kind user on reddit (nanaki989) made a picture guide here

Every time you want to sync

  1. Close PAD completely.

  2. Using the above instructions, go to your wifi network settings and change the "DNS" field to the IP address in the padherder sync app. It should be something like "". Note what the previous value here was, you will need it later!

  3. Launch PAD, and once you are in game (at your mail or the dungeon select screen), you can close PAD completely and restore the DNS settings to their previous value.

  4. If you look in the Status field in padherder proxy, you should see a bunch of stuff about adding, updating and removing monsters from your padherder account. For some people, the first time they sync nothing seems to happen. If this happens to you, there should be a file named "captured_data.txt" in the same place as padherder proxy. If you don't have any notes, priorities or teams in your padherder account, you can just delete everything there and then use the "Import JSON" option in the menu on the top right of the padherder site, or just repeat the above steps. If you have stuff you don't want to lose, you might want to consider making another padherder account and syncing with that one, then copying over all your important info.