pyIDS is a custom implementation of IDS (Interpretable Decision Sets) algorithm introduced in
LAKKARAJU, Himabindu; BACH, Stephen H.; LESKOVEC, Jure. Interpretable decision sets: A joint framework for description and prediction. In: Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGKDD international conference on knowledge discovery and data mining. ACM, 2016. p. 1675-1684.
If you find this package useful in your research, please cite our paper on this Interpretable Decision Sets Implementation:
Jiri Filip, Tomas Kliegr. PyIDS - Python Implementation of Interpretable Decision Sets Algorithm by Lakkaraju et al, 2016. RuleML+RR2019@Rule Challenge 2019.
The pyarc
, pandas
, scipy
and numpy
packages need to be installed before using pyIDS.
All of these packages can be installed using pip
For pyarc
, please refer to the Installation section of its README file.
training a simple IDS model
import pandas as pd
from pyids.algorithms.ids_classifier import mine_CARs
from pyids.algorithms.ids import IDS
from pyarc.qcba.data_structures import QuantitativeDataFrame
import io
import requests
url = ""
s = requests.get(url).content
df = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(s.decode('utf-8')))
cars = mine_CARs(df, rule_cutoff=50)
lambda_array = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
quant_dataframe = QuantitativeDataFrame(df)
ids = IDS(algorithm="SLS"), class_association_rules=cars, lambda_array=lambda_array)
acc = ids.score(quant_dataframe)
optimizing for best lambda parameters using coordinate ascent, as described in the original paper
import pandas as pd
import io
import requests
from pyids.algorithms.ids_classifier import mine_CARs
from pyids.algorithms.ids import IDS
from pyids.model_selection.coordinate_ascent import CoordinateAscent
from pyarc.qcba.data_structures import QuantitativeDataFrame
url = ""
s = requests.get(url).content
df = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(s.decode('utf-8')))
quant_df = QuantitativeDataFrame(df)
cars = mine_CARs(df, 20)
def fmax(lambda_dict):
ids = IDS(algorithm="SLS"), quant_dataframe=quant_df, lambda_array=list(lambda_dict.values()))
auc = ids.score_auc(quant_df)
return auc
coord_asc = CoordinateAscent(
l1=(1, 1000),
l2=(1, 1000),
l3=(1, 1000),
l4=(1, 1000),
l5=(1, 1000),
l6=(1, 1000),
l7=(1, 1000)
best_lambdas =