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jkone27 committed Nov 10, 2024
1 parent 383cd85 commit ee76bc3
Showing 1 changed file with 128 additions and 99 deletions.
227 changes: 128 additions & 99 deletions XmlDifference/Difference.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,104 +1,133 @@
module XmlDifference.Difference

open System
open System.Xml.Linq
open Types
open Attribute
open XmlNode

let internal childNodeDifference nameA childsA nameB childsB =
let extraA, extraB = findDifferentChilds childsA childsB
let missingsA =
|> (fun a -> NodeDiff.Missing({ Name = nameB; A = Some(a); B = None }))
|> Set.toList
let missingsB =
|> (fun b -> NodeDiff.Missing({ Name = nameA; A = None; B = Some(b) }))
|> Set.toList
let childsANew =
|> Seq.filter(fun c -> not (extraA |> Set.contains (c.Name())) )
|> Seq.toList
let childsBNew =
|> Seq.filter(fun c -> not (extraB |> Set.contains (c.Name())) )
|> Seq.toList
(missingsA, childsANew), (missingsB, childsBNew)

//this looks crooked..
let rec private makeDiff (ab : XmlNode * XmlNode) (results: NodeDiff list) : NodeDiff list =
let a, b = ab in
match ab with
|(Node(nameA,attributesA,childsA), Node(nameB,attributesB,childsB)) ->
let attrDiff = attributeDiffs nameA attributesA attributesB
let (missingsA, childsANew), (missingsB, childsBNew) =
childNodeDifference nameA childsA nameB childsB
let newRes = attrDiff @ results @ missingsA @ missingsB
|> Seq.fold(fun a ab -> makeDiff ab a) newRes
|(Leaf(nameA,attributesA,valueA),Leaf(_,attributesB,valueB)) ->
let attrDiff = attributeDiffs nameA attributesA attributesB
let leafDiff =
match valueA <> valueB with
|true -> [NodeDiff.Value({ Name = nameA; A = Some(valueA); B = Some(valueB)})]
|false -> []
attrDiff @ leafDiff @ results
|(Empty,Empty) -> results
|_ ->
match (a,b) with
|Leaf(name,_,_),Empty ->
Missing({ Name = name; A = Some(name); B = None }) :: results
|Empty,Leaf(name,_,_) ->
Missing({ Name = name; A = None; B = Some(name) }) :: results
|_ -> failwith "empty node"

let private nodeDiffFilter x excludedNodes =
match x with
|Missing(diff) -> not (excludedNodes |> Seq.contains diff.Name)
|Value(z) -> not (excludedNodes |> Seq.contains z.Name)
|_ -> true

let private filterDiffs diffs excludedNodes =

let newL = diffs.Diffs |> List.filter (fun x -> nodeDiffFilter x excludedNodes)

let d = { diffs with Diffs = newL }

match d.Diffs with
|[] -> None
|_ -> Some(d)

let internal Diff (diffRequest: DiffRequest, excludedNodes : string seq) : string seq =
let rootA = xelToDomain diffRequest.A.Content XmlNode.Empty
let rootB = xelToDomain diffRequest.B.Content XmlNode.Empty
let diffs = {
A = diffRequest.A.Name;
B = diffRequest.B.Name;
Diffs = makeDiff (rootA, rootB) []
let filtered = filterDiffs diffs excludedNodes
match filtered with
|Some(d) ->
seq {
for r in d.Diffs do
let res =
match r with
|Attribute(a, al) -> sprintf "attribute: %A" (a,al)
|Value(v) -> sprintf "value: %A" v
|Missing(diff) -> sprintf "missing: %A" diff
yield res
|None -> [] |> Seq.ofList

let internal FilesDiff (a : string, b : string, excludedNodes : string seq, documentLoader : string -> XElement) : string seq =
let diffRequest = {
A = { Name = a; Content = documentLoader a };
B = { Name = b; Content = documentLoader b }
open System
open System.Xml.Linq
open Types
open Attribute
open XmlNode

let internal childNodeDifference nameA childsA nameB childsB =
let extraA, extraB = findDifferentChilds childsA childsB

let missingsA =
|> (fun a -> NodeDiff.Missing({ Name = nameB; A = Some(a); B = None }))
|> Set.toList

let missingsB =
|> (fun b -> NodeDiff.Missing({ Name = nameA; A = None; B = Some(b) }))
|> Set.toList

let childsANew =
|> Seq.filter (fun c -> not (extraA |> Set.contains (c.Name())))
|> Seq.toList

let childsBNew =
|> Seq.filter (fun c -> not (extraB |> Set.contains (c.Name())))
|> Seq.toList

(missingsA, childsANew), (missingsB, childsBNew)

//this looks crooked..
let rec private makeDiff (ab: XmlNode * XmlNode) (results: NodeDiff list) : NodeDiff list =
let a, b = ab in

match ab with
| (Node(nameA, attributesA, childsA), Node(nameB, attributesB, childsB)) ->
let attrDiff = attributeDiffs nameA attributesA attributesB

let (missingsA, childsANew), (missingsB, childsBNew) =
childNodeDifference nameA childsA nameB childsB

let newRes = attrDiff @ results @ missingsA @ missingsB

(childsANew, childsBNew)
|> Seq.fold (fun a ab -> makeDiff ab a) newRes
| (Leaf(nameA, attributesA, valueA), Leaf(_, attributesB, valueB)) ->
let attrDiff = attributeDiffs nameA attributesA attributesB

let leafDiff =
match valueA <> valueB with
| true ->
[ NodeDiff.Value(
{ Name = nameA
A = Some(valueA)
B = Some(valueB) }
) ]
| false -> []

attrDiff @ leafDiff @ results
| (Empty, Empty) -> results
| _ ->
match (a, b) with
| Node(name, _, _), Empty
| Leaf(name, _, _), Empty ->
{ Name = name
A = Some(name)
B = None }
:: results
| Empty, Node(name, _, _)
| Empty, Leaf(name, _, _) ->
{ Name = name
A = None
B = Some(name) }
:: results
| _ -> failwith "empty node"

let private nodeDiffFilter x excludedNodes =
match x with
| Missing(diff) -> not (excludedNodes |> Seq.contains diff.Name)
| Value(z) -> not (excludedNodes |> Seq.contains z.Name)
| _ -> true

let private filterDiffs diffs excludedNodes =

let newL = diffs.Diffs |> List.filter (fun x -> nodeDiffFilter x excludedNodes)

let d = { diffs with Diffs = newL }

match d.Diffs with
| [] -> None
| _ -> Some(d)

let internal Diff (diffRequest: DiffRequest, excludedNodes: string seq) : string seq =
let rootA = xelToDomain diffRequest.A.Content XmlNode.Empty
let rootB = xelToDomain diffRequest.B.Content XmlNode.Empty

let diffs =
{ A = diffRequest.A.Name
B = diffRequest.B.Name
Diffs = makeDiff (rootA, rootB) [] }

let filtered = filterDiffs diffs excludedNodes

match filtered with
| Some(d) ->
seq {
for r in d.Diffs do
let res =
match r with
| Attribute(a, al) -> sprintf "attribute: %A" (a, al)
| Value(v) -> sprintf "value: %A" v
| Missing(diff) -> sprintf "missing: %A" diff

yield res
Diff (diffRequest,excludedNodes)
| None -> [] |> Seq.ofList

let internal FilesDiff
(a: string, b: string, excludedNodes: string seq, documentLoader: string -> XElement)
: string seq =
let diffRequest =
{ A = { Name = a; Content = documentLoader a }
B = { Name = b; Content = documentLoader b } }

Diff(diffRequest, excludedNodes)

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