This it a simple build system to create basic android project, compile, package, install and launch it on an Android emulator.
UBS requires:
- Mac-OSx
- Python2.7
- Java 1.7
- Curl library to download SDK from Google and PIP
This packages need to be installed manually as they need user consent and admin priviledges
- FIRST, clone the sources
- SECOND, Run ./ to run all the initial setup:
- Setup Workspace
- Install necessary python dependencies using PIP
- Search for valid java
- Generate signing key
- Search for valid SDK and install needed tools and emulator
- Start the emulator in background
- Save all settings to file
- THIRD, Run “./ —-help” in command-line to learn about usage
- It strictly requires Java1.7 due to some incompatibility using Java 1.8 and newer ANDROID SDK
- needs to be run at least once at the beginning
- is smart enough to setup needed stuff only once
- Fetching SDK from Google might fail due to connectivity issues or missing curl executable
- UBS only re-compiles the new added or modified files
- Have a look to UBS.mp4 video to see some examples of usage
-> ./
Running setup
--> Searching for Java
--> Setting up the android emulator
--> Writing to file all the settings
Setup Done
-> ./ --help
usage: [-h] [--create CREATE] [--compile COMPILE] [--package PACKAGE]
[--launch LAUNCH]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--create CREATE Creates an Android project with given name
--compile COMPILE Compiles a specific Android project
--package PACKAGE Generates an Android application for the given project
--launch LAUNCH Launches an Android application on an active simulator
-> ./ --create Test
22:49:15 INFO : create: Creating "Test" project
22:49:16 INFO : create: Project "Test" is created in "/Users/<user>/Downloads/workspace/Test"
-> ./ --compile Test
22:50:15 WARNING : utils: JAVA_HOME is not defined! Using "/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.7.0_79.jdk/Contents/Home"
22:50:15 WARNING : utils: ANDROID_HOME is not defined! Using "/Users/<user>/Library/Android/sdk"
22:50:15 INFO : compile: Generating
22:50:15 INFO : utils: Following files are (A)dded or (M)odified:
22:50:15 INFO : utils: A main.xml
22:50:15 INFO : utils: A strings.xml
22:50:15 INFO : compile: Generated
22:50:15 INFO : compile: Compiling java source
22:50:15 INFO : utils: Following files are (A)dded or (M)odified:
22:50:15 INFO : utils: A
22:50:15 INFO : utils: A
22:50:16 INFO : compile: Compiled sources
22:50:16 INFO : compile: Generating DEX executable
22:50:16 INFO : utils: Following files are (A)dded or (M)odified:
22:50:16 INFO : utils: A MainActivity.class
22:50:16 INFO : utils: A R$attr.class
22:50:16 INFO : utils: A R$drawable.class
22:50:16 INFO : utils: A R$layout.class
22:50:16 INFO : utils: A R$string.class
22:50:16 INFO : utils: A R.class
22:50:16 INFO : compile: Generated DEX executable
—> ./ --package Test
22:51:49 WARNING : utils: JAVA_HOME is not defined! Using "/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.7.0_79.jdk/Contents/Home"
22:51:49 WARNING : utils: ANDROID_HOME is not defined! Using "/Users/jmcruz/Library/Android/sdk"
22:51:49 INFO : package: Creating application package
22:51:49 INFO : utils: Following files are (A)dded or (M)odified:
22:51:49 INFO : utils: A classes.dex
22:51:49 INFO : package: Created Test.unsigned.apk
22:51:49 INFO : package: Signing application package
22:51:49 INFO : utils: Following files are (A)dded or (M)odified:
22:51:49 INFO : utils: A Test.unsigned.apk
22:51:50 INFO : package: Signed application "Test.signed.apk"
22:51:50 INFO : package: zip aligning application package
22:51:50 INFO : utils: Following files are (A)dded or (M)odified:
22:51:50 INFO : utils: A Test.signed.apk
22:51:50 INFO : package: Zip aligned application "Test.zipped.apk"
—> ./ --launch Test
22:53:38 INFO : launch: Installing application into the emulator
22:53:39 INFO : launch: Installed application "Test.zipped.apk" to emulator
22:53:39 INFO : launch: Launching the application in the emulator
22:53:39 INFO : launch: Launched the application in the emulator