Version: 1.0.1
Date: January 19, 2015
License: The MIT License (MIT)
Author: Johan Cyprich
Author E-mail: [email protected]
PHP 5.x
MySQL or PostgreSQL
Install BackupXml on Linux
Backups website folders and the associated databases (MySQL or PostgreSQL) with it. This can be automated as a cron job.
The xml/backup.xml file needs to be setup correctly in order for this app to work. The following describes each variable to set:
Set the e-mail server information and the backup path.
- AdminUsername
- AdminPassword
- EmailReport: 1 = send notification, 0 = don't send
- UseSmtpAuthorization: 1 = use SMTP authentication, 0 = don't use
- SmtpAddress: address of mail server
- SmtpUsername: user name to login to mail server
- SmtpPassword: password of user for mail server
- FromEmail: e-mail address of sender for notifications
- FromName: name of user sending notifications
- Prefix: name of backup folder
- UseHost: 1 = use --host option in database backup, 0 = don't use
- UsePort: 1 = use --port option in database backup, 0 = don't use
- UseUsername: 1 = use --user or --username option in database backup, 0 = don't use
- BackupPath: path to backup data
Set the recipients for the log file.
- User: e-mail of user to receive logs
Set the connection info for each database. DatabaseServer is either MySQL or PostgreSQL.
- DatabaseServer: MySQL or PostgreSQL
- Host: --host of database server
- Port: --port of database server
- Username: user for accessing database
- Password: password of user
- Database: database to backup
Set the folders that are to be backup up.
- Folder: folder to backup