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This R-package contains functions that I use for the cleaning and transforming of "dirty" data.


Please install package remotes. After successful installation, type remotes::install_github("joheli/kungfu"). Alternatively, download the most recent tagged compressed package from tags and install from the R command line by typing install.packages("vX.X.X.tar.gz"", repos = NULL, type ="source") (where vX.X.X is to be replaced by the most recent version).


Presently, the package contains the following functions (in alphabetic order):

  • cleaner: removes duplicates in a data.frame
  • df_pattern_subset: subsets a data.frame given two regex patterns marking the upper left and lower right corners of the returned data.frame.
  • dfilter: filters a vector of type numeric, integer, Date, or POSIXt, in a fashion that removes entries exceeding a user-specified distance from other values; e.g. "dfiltering" c(1,2,10) would remove 10, if argument max.dist is 5 (as 10 - 2 > 5); similarly, an argument min.dist can be specified to enforce a minimal distance between entries.
  • dlabel: wraps dfilter to label occurrences satisfying specified distance criteria (see function dfilter) in a data frame; function bc_contamination is merely a customized call of dlabel, designed to scan blood culture results for possible contamination.
  • pattern_join: joins two tables based on regex patterns; it is similar to function regex_join in package fuzzyjoin, which I discovered only after writing pattern_join
  • postgresql_uploader: uploads a data.frame into an existing PostgreSQL table
  • rbinder: function for importing and joining of multiple csv-like files with identical headers
  • seamless: converts a table of intervals into a "seamless" succession of intervals
  • similarity_join: joins two tables based on string similarity to a reference (e.g. dictionary of words)

Similar packages

Please check out packages fuzzyjoin and janitor.


Please use help(*function*) or ?*function* to access the help pages of above functions after installation.


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