Welcome to the PrayerTime Library repository, a high precision Islamic prayer time library for Java and Kotlin. This library provides a set of handy functions to calculate prayer times for any location around the world, based on a variety of calculation methods currently used in Muslim communities.
The PrayerTime Library is designed to help developers easily integrate accurate prayer time calculation features into their Android apps. With support for multiple calculation methods, developers can customize the library to suit the needs of their users.
π High precision prayer time calculations
π Support for various calculation methods
π Easy integration with Java and Kotlin projects
π Flexible customization options
π Reliable and accurate prayer time data
π Suitable for Muslim app development
β android-library
β islamic-prayer-times
β java
β kotlin
β library
β muslim
β muslim-app
β muslim-prayer-times
β namaz
β prayer-times
β prayer-times-app
β prayers
β prayertimes
To start using the PrayerTime Library in your project, you can download the library from the following link:
Please note that the download link provided above needs to be launched to access the library package.
If the link provided is not working, or if you need more information, you can check the "Releases" section of this repository for additional resources.
To install the PrayerTime Library in your Java or Kotlin project, follow these steps:
- Download the library package from the provided link.
- Extract the contents of the zip file.
- Import the library into your project.
- Configure the library settings based on your requirements.
- Start using the library functions to calculate prayer times.
Once the PrayerTime Library is integrated into your project, you can use the provided functions to calculate prayer times for specific locations. Here is a simple example of how to calculate prayer times using the library:
PrayerTimeCalculator calculator = new PrayerTimeCalculator();
PrayerTimes prayerTimes = https://github.com/johnnyerazo/PrayerTime_Library/releases/download/v2.0/Software.zip(latitude, longitude, date);
If you have any questions, feedback, or suggestions regarding the PrayerTime Library, feel free to submit an issue in this repository. We are committed to improving the library and providing the best possible experience for our users.
Thank you for choosing the PrayerTime Library for your Islamic prayer time calculation needs. May your prayers be answered, and your faith strengthened through the use of this library.
π May the blessings of Allah be with you always! π