This repository describes how version 2 of the Heliconius melpomene genome was produced, and includes bespoke code written to generate markers and linkage maps, incorporate haplotype scaffolds and PacBio sequence into the genome and order scaffolds. The bespoke code is provided in the code
folder for transparency only. All config files mentioned can be found in the config
folder. Full path names have been omitted.
A paper describing this assembly is now available at G3. The genome itself is available in a full distribution with annotation, maps and other information from and as genome and gene sequences from LepBase v1.0 (Hmel2). A repository containing the Hmel2 distribution, a frozen version of this GitHub repository, VCF files for the H. melpomene and E. isabella crosses, marker databases, GC content and read depths for 1kb windows, and intermediate genome versions for Hmel1-1 and the PacBio assemblies is available at Dryad.
VCF files were generated containing SNPs for the Heliconius melpomene mapping cross, containing F0 grandmother, F1 parents and 69 offspring against Heliconius melpomene genome version 1.1 (Hmel1-1) (see Methods for details of alignment and SNP calling). Separate VCF files were created for the primary and haplotype scaffolds (Hmel_cross.Hmel1-1_primaryScaffolds.vcf
, Hmel_cross.Hmel_haplotype_scaffolds.vcf
). SNPs were converted to markers using the
script, parallelised using
: -s -v Hmel_cross.Hmel1-1_primaryScaffolds.vcf -e "-g Hmel_cross_marker_types.txt -r Hmel_cross_marker_types.rms_pval.txt" -b -o Hmel_cross.linkage_map -t 30 -s -v Hmel_cross.Hmel_haplotype_scaffolds.vcf -e "-g Hmel_cross_marker_types.txt -r Hmel_cross_marker_types.rms_pval.txt" -b -o Hmel_cross.linkage_map -t 15
These commands produce an SQLite3 database, Hmel_cross.linkage_map.db
, containing SNP markers in the markers
table and scaffold regions for all scaffolds in the blocks
(included in the repository) is a config file describing the cross (parents and sexes, as well as some poor-quality individuals to ignore) and marker types to process (see Table S1). For a particular marker type, the expected parent calls and offspring calls are given, along with a name for the type (Type) and whether recombination can be detected with this marker or not (Recombination, Y/N). Calls are defined using alleles A or B for homozygotes and H for heterozygotes. Parent calls are defined by the order given in the Parents line. For offspring, where multiple calls are possible, they are separated by commas. Multiples of an allele can be given by adding a number before the allele. For example, Intercross calls segregating by Mendelian inheritance in a 1:2:1 ratio are defined as A,2H,B.
(included in the repository) is a cache of results for the root mean square (RMS) test, generated using the
script. This script is run by
if no cached values are provided, but they can be generated separately as follows: -g Hmel_cross_marker_types.txt -s 1000000
The -s
option defines how many samples to draw from the distribution.
Scaffold regions (blocks) defined by
in the blocks
table in Hmel_cross.linkage_map.db
are then cleaned using
, writing new blocks to the table cleanblocks
(see Methods section "Identification of maternal chromosome prints and paternal markers" for details); -i Hmel_cross.linkage_map.db -o Hmel_cross.linkage_map
Linkage maps were constructed by the
script, which takes the Hmel_cross.linkage_map.db
database as input, cleans the markers, separates them into linkage groups, and passes them to MSTMap
to build maps for each linkage group. MSTMap.exe
must be in the path. It takes two additional optional files, known_patterns.txt
, which contains known patterns inferred manually from inspection of SNPs but which were rejected by
due to segregation distortion or rejected by build_linkage_maps
as they appeared at the ends of linkage groups, and correct_patterns.txt
, which contains patterns inferred incorrectly by
, to be corrected by
. This script outputs new tables mapblocks
, chromosome_map
and scaffold_map
to the input database. -i Hmel_cross.linkage_map.db -k known_patterns.txt -c correct_patterns.txt
Many individual scaffold regions were called incorrectly; either they were called with the incorrect marker, or they were not called at all. Many of these regions were identified manually during fixing of misassemblies and ordering of scaffolds. These regions were corrected using
, providing the file block_errors_additions.txt
as input. The maps for several chromosomes were oriented differently to Hmel1.1
and so were reversed at this stage, which required updating markers for all scaffold regions for these chromosomes. The file chromosomes_to_reverse.txt
lists the reversed chromosomes. The new scaffold blocks were written to a new SQLite3 database, Hmel_cross.linkage_map.clean.db
. -d Hmel_cross.linkage_map.db -e block_errors_additions.txt -r chromosomes_to_reverse.txt -o Hmel_cross.linkage_map.clean.db
The Hmel1.1
primary and haplotype scaffolds were concatenated into one FASTA file and repeat masked using RepeatMasker
(see Methods). This FASTA file was then used to create a new version of the genome, Hmel1-2.fasta
, fixing the misassemblies described in draft_misassemblies.txt
. The '' script fixes these misassemblies, including revisiting scaffolds broken due to misassemblies during assembly of Hmel1.1, re-merging those misassembled scaffolds and re-breaking them using more accurate breakpoints inferred from the new whole genome markers. Scaffolds which were correctly broken and did not need to be remerged were listed in real_broken_scaffolds.tsv
. The -p
and -n
options define the scaffold prefix and scaffold number to begin naming of new merged scaffolds. -f Hmel1-1_primaryScaffolds.haplotypes.fasta.masked -a Hmel1-1_primary_haplotype_scaffolds.agp -c draft_misassemblies.txt -r real_broken_scaffolds.tsv -o Hmel1-2 -p HE -n 679999
This script produces a revised genome Hmel1-2.fasta
and a TSV file describing the transfer of Hmel1-1
to Hmel1-2
, Hmel1-2.tsv
. The corrected Hmel1-2
genome, containing primary and haplotype scaffolds, was then collapsed to a haploid version using
(see HaploManager repository for details). -i Hmel1-2.fasta -c heliconius_template -o Hmel1-2_merge -p RV -b bad_merges_Hmel1-2.txt -t Hmel1-2.tsv -a /whale-data/jd626/hmel_genome/Hmel1-1_primary_haplotype.gff
The PacBio reads heliconius_melpomene_melpomene.subreads.fastq
were corrected using PBcR
with the original genome strain data as follows (see Methods for further details). Original genome strain data was downloaded from NCBI (see Experiment and Run accessions in filenames) and saved in folders SRX124669_Illumina
, SRX124544_454_shotgun
and SRX124545_454_3kb
PBcR -partitions 334 -genomeSize 292000000 -libraryname helmel_genome_strain -s PBcR_genome_strain.spec -fastq heliconius_melpomene_melpomene.subreads.fastq SRX124669_Illumina/SRR424576.frg SRX124544_454_shotgun/SRR424191.frg SRX124544_454_shotgun/SRR424192.frg SRX124544_454_shotgun/SRR424193.frg SRX124544_454_shotgun/SRR424194.frg SRX124544_454_shotgun/SRR424195.frg SRX124544_454_shotgun/SRR424196.frg SRX124544_454_shotgun/SRR424197.frg SRX124544_454_shotgun/SRR424198.frg SRX124544_454_shotgun/SRR424199.frg SRX124544_454_shotgun/SRR424200.frg SRX124544_454_shotgun/SRR424201.frg SRX124544_454_shotgun/SRR424202.frg SRX124544_454_shotgun/SRR424203.frg /disk2/jd626/Hmel_genome_DNAseq/SRX124544_454_shotgun/SRR424207.frg SRX124544_454_shotgun/SRR424208.frg SRX124545_454_3kb/SRR424204.frg SRX124545_454_3kb/SRR424205.frg SRX124545_454_3kb/SRR424206.frg SRX124545_454_3kb/SRR424209.frg assemble=1
The PacBio reads were also self-corrected:
PBcR -length 200 -threads 50 -genomeSize 292000000 -s PBcR_selfcorrected.spec -l PBcR_selfcorrected fastqFile=heliconius_melpomene_melpomene.subreads.fastq
The two read sets were assembled using FALCON
$ cat input.fofn
helmel_genome_strain.fasta FALCON.cfg &> FALCON.log &
The resulting genome p_ctg.fa
was masked with RepeatMasker
and misassemblies identified iteratively through merging with the draft genome and comparing to the linkage map. The final merge used a corrected genome, fixed with
: -f p_ctg.fa.masked -c pacbio_misassemblies.txt -o pacbio_revised -p F -n 100000
The PacBio genome was then collapsed to a haploid version with
: -i pacbio_revised.fasta -c heliconius_template -o hm_pacbio_revised -p PF
The haploid draft genome and haploid PacBio genome were concatenated and then merged with HaploMerger:
cat Hmel1-2_merge.fa hm_pacbio_revised_merge.fa > Hmel1-2_pacbio.fa -i Hmel1-2_pacbio.fa -c heliconius_template -o Hmel1-2_pacbio -p HM -s PB -a Hmel1-2.gff -g -x
script generates Hmel1-2_pacbio_refined.fa
, Hmel1-2_pacbio_map.db
, Hmel1-2_pacbio.gff
, Hmel1-2_pacbio_orig.tsv
and HMSc_pacbio.nodes
which were then used to order the merged genome using
: -d Hmel1-2_pacbio_map.db -f Hmel1-2_pacbio_refined.fa -g Hmel1-2_pacbio.gff -o Hmel1-2_pacbio_orig.tsv -p PB -n HMSc_pacbio.nodes -r Hmel2
The Hmel1
annotation was transferred to Hmel2
by merging Hmel1-2
and Hmel2
with HaploMerger to generate chain files, filtering the chain to retain only between-genome matches, using CrossMap
to transfer features with the chains, and then using
to transfer as many features directly as possible, falling back on the CrossMap
transfers where necessary. -i Hmel1-2_Hmel2.fa -c heliconius_template -o Hmel1-2_Hmel2 -p H12 -c Hmel1-2_Hmel2/genome.genomex.result/all.tbest.chain.gz -p Hmel -o Hmel1-2_Hmel2.chain.filtered.gz gff Hmel1-2_Hmel2.chain.filtered.gz Hmel1-1_primary_haplotype_mtDNA.gff >Hmel1-2_Hmel2.crossmap.out -m Hmel2_transfer_merge.tsv -c Hmel1-2_Hmel2.crossmap.out -f Hmel1-1_primary_haplotype_mtDNA.fa -n Hmel2.fa -o Hmel2
To estimate genome sizes from read depths, adjusted for GC content, align one individual with good coverage of the genome to the reference. Here, we used the F1 father of the mapping cross and aligned to Hmel2 using Stampy, Picard MarkDuplicates and Picard IndelRealigner (see manuscript for details).
Generate windows and per base read depths with bedtools, pulling out gap locations and scaffold sizes from AGP files (in maps folder of Hmel2 distribution):
grep fragment Hmel2_scaffolds.agp | cut -f1-3 > Hmel2.gaps.bed
grep Hmel2 Hmel2_chromosomes.agp | cut -f6,8 > Hmel2.scaffolds.bed
bedtools makewindows -g Hmel2.scaffolds.bed -w 1000 >
bedtools intersect -v -a -b Hmel2.gaps.bed >
bedtools genomecov -ibam F1Father.C115_1.121015.Hmel2.rmdup.realign.bam -d > F1Father.C115_1.121015.Hmel2.rmdup.realign.bedtools_genomecov.perbase.out
Generate GC content and median read depths per window with
for i in `seq -w 0 21`; do ( -f Hmel2.fa -b -c F1Father.C115_1.121015.Hmel2.rmdup.realign.bedtools_genomecov.perbase.out -w 1000 -o readdepth_gc_1kb.Hmel2$i -s Hmel2$i &); done
The bash loop just runs the script on each chromosome in parallel, passing in a different scaffold prefix (-s
option). The script will run without the loop and will process the whole genome if -s
is not provided. -w
is required and should be equal to the window size in the BED file. -o
is a prefix for the output file. -f
is the reference genome.
If run in parallel, the output needs to be concatenated, eg:
cat readdepth_gc_1kb*out >
Finally, run
to calculate genome sizes: -w -o -s 1000
is the output filename. -s
is the window size. This script outputs median read depths for all windows of each GC value to standard output, along with the genome-wide median read depth, total bases covered by the windows, a genome size estimate based on read depths unadjusted for GC content, and a genome size estimate based on read depths adjusted for GC content. It writes the adjusted coverages for each window to the output file.