DeepDetect v0.9.7 - Torch 1.4 + Object detection Improvements + Fixes
This release updates to C++ torch 1.4, improves speed and accuracy when training object detection models, and fixes various issues.
Features & Updates
- Support for Torch 1.4 with BERT and image classification models update #698
- New CUDNN convolution backend for Caffe saves a lot of memory for ResNext architectures and grouped convolutions, see jolibrain/caffe#65
- Geometry transforms for object detection training, #702 and jolibrain/caffe#67
- Much faster training of object detectors, see jolibrain/caffe#70
- Added unit tests for TensorRT backend #697
- Segmentation benchmark script #711
- added RefineDet VoVNet39 512x512 architecture for SotA object detection #700
API changes
- fine-grained CUDNN engine selection #696
Bug fixes
- Fixed Dlib logger in chains #699
- Fixes to torch API unit tests #704
- Fixed TensorRT classification
API keyword behavior #720 - Fixed logging from within output connectors #705
- Fixed rare case in metrics #708
- Fixed CUDA arch for FAISS builds #710
- Fix to rotate actions in chains #713
- Fix of Torch backend build along with Caffe #714
- Fixed error handling on model parser failure #712