New version of audio recorder for Vue.js. It allows to record, play, download and store records on a server. It is based on vue-audio-recorder which is not longer being supported by the original author (grishkovelli).
- Beautiful clean UI
- Download/upload/play record
- Time limit
- Records limit
- A lot of callbacks
- Individual an audio player
- MP3/WAV support
- Chrome
- Firefox
- Safari
npm i vue2-audio-recorder --save
Prop | Type | Description |
attempts | Number | Number of recording attempts |
headers | Object | HTTP headers |
time | Number | Time limit for the record (minutes) |
bit-rate | Number | Default: 128 (only for MP3) |
sample-rate | Number | Default: 44100 |
filename | String | Download/Upload filename |
format | String | WAV/MP3. Default: mp3 |
upload-url | String | URL for uploading |
show-download-button | Boolean | If it is true show a download button. Default: true |
show-upload-button | Boolean | If it is true show an upload button. Default: true |
before-upload | Function | Callback fires before uploading |
successful-upload | Function | Callback fires after successful uploading |
failed-upload | Function | Callback fires after failure uploading |
mic-failed | Function | Callback fires if your microphone doesn't work |
before-recording | Function | Callback fires after click the record button |
pause-recording | Function | Callback fires after pause recording |
after-recording | Function | Callback fires after click the stop button or exceeding the time limit |
select-record | Function | Callback fires after choise a record. Returns the record |
mode | String | [New] A minimal interface to record just one audio and play it. Options: default/minimal. Default: default |
countdown | Boolean | [New] Will show the time remaining instead of current recorded time. Options: true/false. Default: false |
countdownTitle | String | [New] Title over time remaining when countdown is set to true. Default: "Time remaining" |
Prop | Type | Description |
src | String | Specifies the URL of the audio file |
import AudioRecorder from 'vue-audio-recorder'
methods: {
callback (data) {
<audio-player src="/demo/example.mp3"/>
# install dependencies
npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev
# build for production with minification (must be built with node v12.x)
npm run build
- Clear record list
- Responsive design
npm publish --access public
Gennady Grishkovtsov - Developer
Olga Zimina - UIX Designer
Jonathan Arias - Developer