- 100% Frontend Developer 🕸️
- 🎶 Grooving through lines of code, one beat at a time.
- 💻 Renegade programmer challenging conventions and exploring the unknown.
- ⏳ Persistence is my middle name – I never back down from a coding challenge!
- FullStack OverFlow Developer 🧱 🧱 🧱
- I am not in the Team,I am the Team 🌱
- Frontend or Backend ? 📀
- I am the whole IT Department 🥷
- Google, Stack overflow, ChatGPT are my perfect friends
- can you hash MD5 256 Algorithmic Ciphers ? Yeet ^
- Hackerrank, GeekforGeeks,Freecode camp is my PlayGround 🔥
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Is it a Jock ?
[ Developer : jonathanJSM ]