This firmware is for using ESP32 based boards with LoRa Modules and GPS to live in the APRS world.
(NOTE: This iGate Firmware was develop to work with all LoRa APRS Trackers and specially with this firmware LoRa APRS Tracker)
This next generation LoRa iGate can work as:
- pure RX-iGate,
- Rx+Tx-iGate and distribute messages and weather forecasts to heard trackers, and
- Digipeater in simplex or split-frequency environment.
In all configurations the display shows the current stationMode, heard packets and events the iGate is currently performing.
But under the hood is much more:
- Web Configuration UI.
- Sending events to remote syslog server.
- OTA update capability (for Firmware and Filesystem).
- RX first, TX will only be done if there is no traffic on the frequency.
- automatic update of the Lora symbol at APRS-IS, black "L" for pure RX, red "L" for TX capability, green star "L" for digipeater and blue round "L" for WX iGate.
- support for multiple WLAN with corresponding coordinates.
- support for BME/BMP280 and BME680 sensors, sending to WX data to APRS-IS.
and more will come:
- More Web UI Station Information
Installation Guide --> here.
- 2024.03.18 OE5HWN MeshCom board support added.
- 2024.02.25 New Web Configuration UI with WiFi AP (thanks Damian SQ2CPA).
- 2023.01.28 Updated to ElegantOTA v.3 (AsyncElegantOTA was deprecated).
- 2024.01.19 TextSerialOutputForApp added to get text from Serial-Output over USB into PC for PinPoint App ( and APRSIS32 App (
- 2024.01.12 Added iGate Mode to also repeat packets (like a iGate+DigiRepeater) in stationMode 2 and 5.
- 2024.01.11 Added iGate Mode to enable APRS-IS and LoRa beacon report at the same time.
- 2024.01.05 Added support for Lilygo TTGO T-Beam V1, V1.2, V1 + SX1268, V1.2 + SX1262.
- 2024.01.02 Added support for EByte 400M30S 1Watt LoRa module for DIY ESP32 iGate.
- 2023.12.27 HELTEC V3 board support added. Thanks Luc ON2ON.
- 2023.12.26 Added BME680 module to BME/BMP280 modules supported.
- 2023.12.07 MIC-E process and syslog added.
- 2023.12.06 HELTEC V2 board support added.
- 2023.11.26 Small correction to enable Syslog in stationMode5.
- 2023.10.09 Added "WIDE1-1" to Tx packets from iGate to be repeated by Digirepeaters.
- 2023.10.09 Added Support also for BMP280 module.
- 2023.08.20 Added External Voltage Measurement (Max 15V!)
- 2023.08.05 Ground Height Correction for Pressure readings added.
- 2023.07.31 StationMode5 added: iGate when WiFi and APRS available, DigiRepeater when not.
- 2023.07.16 Small OTA, BME module update.
- 2023.07.05 Adding monitor info of Battery connected.
- 2023.06.18 Info on Oled Screen mayor update, added RSSI and Distance to Listened Station.
- 2023.06.17 Support for BME280 Module (Temperature, Humidity, Pressure) added.
- 2023.06.12 Syslog added.
- 2023.06.10 OTA update support for Firmware and Filesystem.
- 2023.06.08 Adding Digirepeater Functions.
- 2023.06.06 Full repack of Code and adding enableTx only for Ham Ops.
- 2023.05.23 Processing Query's from RF/LoRa or APRS-IS (Send "Help" Message to test).
- 2023.05.19 Saving Last-Heard Stations for validating Tx Responses.
- 2023.05.12 Tx Packet from APRS-IS to LoRa-RF Correction.
- 2023.03.01 Tx Packet from APRS-IS to nearby LoRa Stations.
- 2023.02.17 Receiving Feed from APRS-IS.
- 2023.02.10 First Beta (receiving LoRa Beacon/Packets and uploading to APRS-IS).