A set of tools created to aid working on the Ensembl project, mostly written in python
A rough script that pulls out code comments that look like coder flares ("todo","hack""fixme","bug") - currently hardcoded for typescript ('*.ts, *.tsx').
Two scripts, one that decodes cbor2 files (EARDO for example) and another for HAR files
A python module with CLI that pulls out active (status not in (Done, Closed, Resolved, Cancelled)
) tickets for a set of people and generates a JSON report.
An attempt at pulling out metrics on JIRA sprints - 🔥 do not use 🔥 This module attempts to recreate Jira's sprint reports with additional information. Sadly it has proven very difficult to achieve. I plan to switch to using the undocumented API that Jira uses for sprint reports.