- Coger Cartera
- Operar en source
- Si cambian marcado de Cartera, se pensaría que no la ha hecho y abriría infinitos contratos
- Create Symbols:
- activeFrom: First day, 03:00:00 GMT (+1 second after previous Symbol).
- activeTo: Last day, 02:59:59 GMT.
- INSERT INTO "Symbols" ("name", "slug", "key", "type", "activeFrom", "activeTo", "createdAt", "updatedAt") VALUES
- Create Holydays.
- Day, 0:00:00 GMT
- http://www.meff.es/esp/Calendario
- http://www.bolsamadrid.es/esp/aspx/Inversores/Agenda/Calendario.aspx
- node dev/var/get-year-weekens.js 2018
- INSERT INTO "Holidays" ("date", "createdAt", "updatedAt") VALUES
- (1515196800, '2018-10-03 01:39:00+02', '2018-10-03 01:39:00+02'),
- (1515283200, '2018-10-03 01:39:00+02', '2018-10-03 01:39:00+02');
- Also special holidays (in week).
Mo: { "command": "start", "sid": 1 }
Ap: { "command": "start", "sid": 1, "id": xxx, "key": xxx, "source": "gvc", "version": "1.0.0", "type": "getter", "category": "meff", "subcategory": "all" }
Mo: { "command": "stocks", "sid": 2 }
Ap: { "command": "stocks", "sid": 2, "items": [] }
Mo: { "command": "start", "sid": 1 }
Ap: { "command": "start", "sid": 1, "id": xxx, "key": xxx, "source": "gvc", "version": "1.0.0", "type": "better", "money": 77.64 }
Error responses for "start", "events" and "results":
Ap: { "command": "error", "sid": 2, "code": 1, "value": "Error" }
Ap: { "command": "error", "sid": 2, "code": 5, "value": "Busy" }
- Only is stored data that is different from previous one.
- It's a Capped collection.
- Get all ordered by Date, from older to newer:
- All: "Tick.find()".
- Symbol: "Tick.find({ si: 21 })".
- Get all ordered by Date, from newer to older:
- All: "Tick.find().sort({ $natural: -1 })".
- Symbol: Not efficient.
- Get last by Date:
- All: "Tick.findOne().sort({ $natural: -1 })".
- Symbol:
- "Tick.countDocuments({ si: 21 })".
- "Tick.findOne({ si: 21 }).skip( - 1)".
- Get all ordered by Date, from older to newer:
- "Date":
- From server.
- To limit and sort data.
- "Time"
- From data.
- To exactly define date of data.
- "Date" and "Time" are joined, so it can't work near the change of day, due to differences in clock and timezone.
- "Bar-date" is the start of the bar: "17:24" 17:24:00 - 17:24:59
- VChart names same period as next one: "17:25" 17:24:00 - 17:24:59
- Assumes that all non-holiday days have same open market hours: 08:00-20:00.
- It allows bars of up to 1 seconds.
- Each algorithm has isolated Events, Orders and Contracts.
- All do simulated operative.
- Real one also does real operative, isolated from it's own simulation.
- Both, live and past, executes with delay of some seconds to ensure data is valid.
- First seconds data are lost (except Price).
- Occasionally, valid data comes still later than delay, and this creates some minor time-data desynchronization.
- After a delay in live, all previous bars are executed at same time, with data of last one (the more recent).
- Uninformed timeout marks operation-data as invalid when lack of update.
- Communication problem in App, Source, ...
- Assumes data is constantly updated in Source.
- Price remains to minimize effect on Indicators, but it's also invalid.
- Scene: { date: {Integer} Seconds, Source clock. isLive: {Boolean} True: Data just getted from Source. False: Don't do real operation. indiSymbol/operSymbol: { Indicators Symbol data. indi: {Object} Indicators value. data: { price: {Float} Quotation price. buyTitles: {Integer} Stock buy titles. buyPrice: {Float} Stock buy price. sellTitles: {Integer} Stock sell titles. sellPrice: {Float} Stock sell price. } isUninformed: {Boolean} True: 'indi' and 'data' are Null. } }
- There are two types of symbols: To get indicators from, and to operate with.
- Symbols are auto changed by date (requires restart application).
- "Ibex July 2018" -> "Ibex September 2018".
- Indicators are created for each symbol.
- Several for Simulation.
- One for Live.
- Events, Orders and Contracts are used to determine the state.
- Orders and Contracts data (in database or cache) are updated each cron-second with Source Portfolio data.
- If Portfolio is suddenly empty, for example due to an Etter error, database data is not affected.
- Changes not controlled by the App are compatible and updated in Orders/Contracts.
- Operate manually in Source.
- Market automatic order-cancellation or contract-closement.
- Install NodeJS v8.6.0
- Install PostgreSQL 9.5 and create database
- Install MongoDB
- Global dependencies:
npm install -g foreman
npm install
Env file "/.env"
- 1: -
- 2: - and verbose Get-stocks.
- To specify the algorithm that does real operative.
nf start
mongoexport -h <host>:<port> -d <name> -c ticks --sort '{$natural: 1}' -u <user> -o <path>/ticks.json
.mongoimport -h <host>:<port> -d <name> -c ticks --maintainInsertionOrder -u <user> --file <path>/ticks.json
- Get VChart file, generated when loading "ticks" symbol inside VChart app.
- Get existing data from production db:
mongoexport -h <host>:<port> -d <name-pro> -c ticks -u <user> -o <path>/<file-existing>.json
- Empty temporal db.
- Add existing data to temporal db (different symbol that VChart):
mongoimport -h localhost:27017 -d <name-tmp> -c ticks -u <user> --file <path>/<file-existing>.json
- Add VChart data to temporal db, for each symbol (no matters the order. Symbol-key must exist in Postgre):
node dev/ticks-db/add-vchart.js <path>/<symbol-key>.tck <symbol-key>
- Create index on temporal db:
- Name: d
- Keys: { "d" : 1 }
- Get new data, ordered by date:
mongoexport -h localhost:27017 -d <name-tmp> -c ticks --sort '{d: 1}' -u <user> -o <path>/<file-new>.json
- Empty production db (must be already auto-created by the app).
- Add new data to production db, ordered by date:
mongoimport -h <host>:<port> -d <name-pro> -c ticks --maintainInsertionOrder -u <user> --file <path>/<file-new>.json