- Algorithms:
- Only 1 operation per day
- Just few operations per month
- Low benefit but crescent
- Several assets
- There isn't real-time orders, real-time data monitoring, ...
- All orders are sent together just when market opens:
- Enter, stop-loss, exit
- Schedule:
- All Assets in a group, open/close at same time
- Close before next-group opening, with some minutes of distance
- Uses city as timezone
- Need to be calculated each session (using day, month and year), to handle Daylight Saving Time
- Sending:
- At market opening
- Filling:
- Enter:
- At market opening
- Exit:
- At market closing
- Stop-loss
- Enter:
- Enter is always with exact price:
- Always at Current-market-price
- Always with a Limit order
- Because Ibkr doesn't allow Stop-loss with price relative to filled Enter-price:
- So a Stop-loss with fixed price is used
- Prevent sending orders that will enter and exit at same time
- Bars are "1 day" size
- Can't be used because can't be backtested:
- Several enter/exit per day
- Enter some time after market opens
- Exit some time before market closes
- Dynamic/trailing stop-loss
- Take-profit:
- If both take-profit and stop-loss can fill, can't know what happens first
- Algorithm development:
- A Combi is:
- Parametric combination of an Algorithm:
- For example: Stop-loss: 20, Ema-period: 30, ...
- An instance with local variables, to be own to each Asset
- Slug safety identifies a Combi (Algorithm-slug + Mods)
- Parametric combination of an Algorithm:
- Enter-price is specified in a range: higher/lower/any
- If Current-market-price is not inside range, trading is ignored
- Stop-loss can be specified:
- Relative to filled Enter-price
- Fixed price
- Prices don't need to be in tick-size
- "processToday" is called just at order-sending: just at market-opening
- A Combi is:
- Assets have different size (price, multiplier, ...):
- An algorithm must work in all Assets
- Regular = Liquid; VS total
- Both bars and orders are outside-and-inside-RTH
- Benefits:
- We got better results in Backtest
- Same for all Assets (Ibkr doesn't offer RTH in DTB-exchange Assets)
- 22:00 UTC:
- Change of session: 07Mar2019 -> 08Mar2019
- Used in "util.getCurrentSession" and "cpp.getSessionBars"
- "17:00" (bar.date): 17:00-17:29 (real)
- Bar starts to exist just after market-opening
- Types of bar:
- Finalized:
- All data is definitive
- When bar is not from current-session
- Live:
- Data is being updated
- When bar is from current-session
- Finalized:
- Current-market-price:
- Finalized bars: "open" field
- Live bar: "close" field
- Sometimes Api takes 1 minute to respond, but "close" field is the one at time of responding (it's a correct value)
- If an Asset started to exist (in Exchange/Broker market-data) for less than 2 years ago from now:
- A null-bar must be manually created in database:
- Being first bar in TWS: 6 May 2019
- The created bar must for session: 5 May 2019
- A null-bar must be manually created in database:
- Nominal = Price (quotation) * Multiplier
- Tick-size:
- Minimum price variation:
- For example "0.25":
- 1408.673 -> 1408.75
- Possible values: 1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00, ...
- For example "0.25":
- Minimum price variation:
- Continuous assets are used:
- To know current expiry:
- Continuous points internally to the current expiry
- Change to next expiry is done 3 days before last day
- Avoid knowing details about each expiry: start-ending dates, holidays, symbol, ...
- Avoid joining data of several expiries in order to fill indicators with large periods
- Continuous-prices don't exactly match with expiry-prices, but it's not a problem:
- Some algorithms are already modifying this value ("price-margin")
- To know current expiry:
- Trading-hours are requested in order to know special schedules of an expiry:
- For example, in Christmas MEFF closes at 14h
- Compatible with any kind of future asset:
- Index, forex, material, ...
- For example: Eur/Usd, Gas, ...
- Large prices are supported, such as: 0.009190
- DB content requirements:
- No volatility assets
- Only indexes:
- At least 20 component companies
- From at least 4 different sectors
- With volume:
- Last 3 months
- Outside-and-inside-RTH
- If Asset has monthly expiries: Check a regular (non-quarterly) expiry, such as: Jan, Feb, Apr, ...
- Tick-size: Additional 0's matching TWS number of decimals
- Several sizes of same underlying (plus, mini, ...)
- Several exchanges of same underlying:
- For example: "Nikkei Ose", "Nikkei Globex"
- Has volume in non-quarterly expiries
- All products listed at Ibkr site has been studied, as 29-Jan-2020
- Javascript has precision errors working with decimal numbers
- This error can affect App calculations and roundings
- "decimal.js" library is used to solve this
- Uses precision "20":
- Assets price needs up to "7"
- Calculation of Ptt needs up to "12":
- "Per ten thousand" of Asset price can increase it by "5"
- 7 + 5 = 12
- Decimal objets:
- Created with string parameter, to avoid unprecision:
- x = new Decimal('123.456')
- Inmutable: Not changed by its methods
- Methods can be chained:
- x.dividedBy('2').plus('7')
- Created with string parameter, to avoid unprecision:
- Ignored in Covid Sessions: 24Feb2020-24May2020
- Theoric-filling doesn't exactly match with real-filling:
- But difference is tiny
- Limit order (Enter):
- Theoric:
- Order is filled when market-price is equal to limit-price
- Real:
- Order may (or not) be filled if ask/bid-price is equal to limit-price
- Order is guaranteed to be filled if ask/bid-price surpasses limit-price
- Theoric:
- Market order (Exit-at-closing, Stop-loss):
- Theoric:
- Filled at market-price
- Real:
- Filled at ask/bid-price
- Theoric:
- Market movement:
- Theoric:
- Market-price doesn't move
- Real:
- Ask/bid-price moves
- Order can never fill ("losing the market")
- Order can fill at different price
- Theoric:
- Filling time is different (price is different):
- Enter:
- Theoric: Just at opening
- Real: Some seconds after opening
- Exit-at-closing:
- Theoric: When settlement-price already applied
- Real: Some minutes before market closes
- Enter:
- Groups schedule don't overlap
- "Non-blocking": All Assets can order-sending in same Session
- "Blocking" (per group):
- Only 1 Asset can order-sending per Session
- N-positions to use all bank money
- Combi-parameters with same Slug (e.g. "breakMargin") in different Algorithms, are considered the same parameter
- Reports:
- List (Non-blocking)
- List (Blocking)
- Full-charts (Blocking)
- Simple-charts (Non-blocking): To see if Assets do strange things, like big changes in small amount of time
- Simple-charts (Blocking): To see how Assets are blocked
- Trace (Non-blocking): To see how Algorithm works
- Trace (Blocking): To see what happens each day
- Phases generation:
- 1:
- List (Non-blocking)
- 2:
- List (Non-blocking)
- List (Blocking)
- 3:
- List (Non-blocking)
- List (Blocking)
- Full-charts (Blocking)
- 4:
- List (Non-blocking)
- List (Blocking)
- Full-charts (Blocking)
- Simple-charts (Non-blocking)
- Simple-charts (Blocking)
- 5:
- List (Non-blocking)
- List (Blocking)
- Full-charts (Blocking)
- Simple-charts (Non-blocking)
- Simple-charts (Blocking)
- Trace (Non-blocking)
- Trace (Blocking)
- 6: Sent by Notification
- Full-charts (Blocking)
- Trace (Blocking)
- 1:
- Broker:
- Handles order of arguments, expected responses, filter responses
- Allowed types for input/output parameters:
- Strings (numeric parameters must be sent as strings)
- Boolean
- All prices as input parameters (that will be sent to Api) must be tick-sized:
- For example prices in orders
- Broker-execute:
- Handles communication with C++ program
- But Ibkr Api adaptation, for example when several Api calls are needed, is handled by C++ itself
- A C++ program execution can only perform 1 Api request:
- This means normally 1 Api call
- But sometimes can be 2 Api calls, for example "reqHistoricalData" and "cancelHistoricalData"
- Handles timeout
- Ibkr Api used is "no-SSL":
- Gateway is in same machine, so it's a local connection
- Broker-queue:
- Handles:
- Api Client-id
- Gateway timming limitations
- Parallel executions, but not started at same time
- Uses all Client-ids, except "0"
- Handles:
- Backtest:
- Several algorithms
- All historical data
- Output results
- Operate:
- 1 algorithm
- Today
- Send orders
- Algorithm:
- Creates Combis
- Handles communication with Combis
- Strategy price is a range
- Planning generation (processToday):
- Data from Algorithm (Strategy) is checked to be valid
- Returned data (Planning) is sanitized/definitive:
- Can be used directly, without checking/modifying content
- "Range" is translated to "exact":
- Price is moved to Current-market-price, to achieve an instant filling
- If Current-market-price is not inside range, trading is ignored
- Relative Stop-loss is converted to fixed
- Prices are converted to tick-size
- Indicator:
- Wraps "technicalindicators" package
- Validates and sanitizes input/output data
- Bar:
- Build day bars with custom schedule
- Util:
- Miscellaneous functions useful for rest of App
- Login screen:
- Select API type: IB API
- Select language: English
- Region: Europe
- Trading Mode: Live Trading
- ??? Settings directory
- Time Zone: UCT
- Use SSL: Checked
- Verbose logging: Unchecked
- Host: Empty
- Port: Empty
- No internet connectivity: Unchecked
- Connect through private WAN: Unchecked
- Configure menu:
- Automatic Encryption: Checked
- Settings:
- General:
- ??? Memory Allocation
- API:
- Settings:
- Enable DDE clientes: Unchecked
- Socket port:
- Live: 7496 or 4001
- Simulated: 7497 or 4002
- Allow connections from localhost only: Checked
- Settings:
- General:
- DB error handling:
- Use just 1 "method", "then" and "catch" per line:
- Model.findAll.then().catch();
- Model.save.then().catch();
- If error, code inside "then" is not called:
- For example, a callback is not called
- Catch "err" may be null, so ensure callback is called with an error
- Use just 1 "method", "then" and "catch" per line:
- Async:
- Loops ("async.each", ...):
- A cb('error') will stop remaining iterations
- Prevent stack overflows and App-event-loop blocking:
- each(coll, async.ensureAsync(function(item, cb) { cb(); }), done)
- series([async.ensureAsync(function(cb) { cb(); })], done)
- Loops ("async.each", ...):
- Puppeteer:
- Is configured with "--no-sandbox"
- So only trust content must be used
- Year 2038 problem: timestamp 32-bit integer
- Install NodeJS v12.17.0
- Install PostgreSQL 11 and create database
- Install C++ compiler ("Visual Studio Build Tools" on Windows)
- Install Interactive-brokers "IB Gateway 972" / "Trader Workstation 972"
- Global dependencies:
npm install -g foreman
- Project dependencies:
npm install
Env file "/.env"
- Unset in Production
- See "Reports.Phases"
- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
nf run node app.js backtest
nf run node app.js operate <group>
nf run node app.js status
nf run node app.js clear
- backtest: Execute a Backtest
- operate: Send Order to Gateway
- status: Send Notification with Gateway Status
- clear: Send Clear to Gateway
Windows (using "Visual Studio Developer Command Prompt" in project root directory):
nmake /F makefile.win > tmp\broker-compile.log
- git push master
- Set version in "makefile.win" and "makefile"
- Set version in "config/config.js"
- Delete old version in "bin/"
- Execute in project root directory:
Windows (using "Visual Studio Developer Command Prompt"):
nmake /F makefile.win clean
nmake /F makefile.win pro > tmp\broker-compile.log
make pro > tmp/broker-compile.log 2>&1