Personal blog built with hugo
, decorated with hugo-theme-casper
, reconstruct some htmls, import highlight.js
and some css files. It is such an enjoyable thing to run test cases locally and deploy pages to github server as hugo which created by GO
has the ability of running in a fascinating and remarkable speed, which makes me abandon hexo
and get to know hugo
without hesitation.
theme = "hugo-theme-casper"
languageCode = "zh_CN"
title = "临风博客"
baseurl = "" # 一定要用https,github强制安全措施
paginate = 10 # 分页每页记录数
# DisqusShortname = "临风" #评论时显示的名字
copyright = "All rights reserved"
canonifyurls = true
description = "Stay hungry, stay foolish."
cover = ""
author = "临风"
authorlocation = "Guangzhou, China"
authorwebsite = ""
hideHUGOSupport = false #是否显示Hugo水印
hjsStyle = "github-gist"
ChangeFreq = ""
Filename = "sitemap.xml"
Priority = "-1"
name = "临风博客"
weight = 100
identifier = "blog"
url = "/"
name = "标签"
weight = 99
identifier = "/tags"
url = ""
name = "分类"
weight = 98
identifier = "/categories"
url = ""
name = "关于我"
weight = 97
identifier = "about"
url = "/about"
use following cmd to generate public
hugo --theme=hugo-theme-casper --baseUrl=""
use following cmds for first commit
cd public
git init
git add -A
git commit -m "first commit"
git remote add origin
git push -u origin master