Magic Reflow will reflow or rewrap text in a variety of situations, ranging from paragraphs, to comments, to bulleted and ordered lists (of the variety commonly seen in Markdown and the like).
It is a replacement for the built-in autoflow package -- it handles many of the things that autoflow handles, and a lot more:
- Wrap within common single-line and multi-line source code comments.
- Wrap bulleted and ordered lists (with or without blank lines between each
item). Recognizes numbered and lettered lists of the forms:
- 1., a., A.
- (2), (b), (B)
- Wrap nested lists intelligently.
- Wrap paragraphs with block indentation
...and various combinations of all of the above.
- Select the text you want to reflow, or put your cursor in the relevant paragraph.
- Hit Alt-Q.
Note that if you use one of the popular Emacs-emulation packages, you may have to add the following to your keymap.cson to make the keybinding work:
'atom-workspace atom-text-editor':
'alt-q': 'magic-reflow:reflow'
You can also use the "Reflow Selection Magically" context menu option, or the "Edit > Reflow Selection Magically" menu bar option.
- Support for paragraphs with leading indentation
- Support for ASCII-art tables (a la org-mode)
- Ignore code fences (a la Doxygen comments, markdown, etc.)