Write your journal in a single-text file. Example:
year: 2017
month: July
day: Wed 19
Let's reinvent push-button publishing on the internets!
Use a single-file for your journal / diary / blog. That's it.
day: Thu 20
Crazy idea? Let's put up a website and a example blog auto-generated from journal.txt.
day: Fri 21
Did you know? The single-file format works great for advent calendars
or beer-of-the-day calendars.
day: Sat 22
Let's add another example. A diary about the Oktoberfest 2016. Prost. Cheers.
day: Sun 23
Let's rest.
How does it work?
The single-text file is a series of meta data and text blocks.
Use the meta data block for adding the date. In the first meta data block you need a "full" date, that is, year/month/day e.g.:
year: 2017
month: July
day: Wed 19
date: 2017-07-19
In the following entries you only need to add what changes e.g. still in the same month as yesterday? just add a day entry (and the computer will calculate the full date) e.g.:
day: Thu 20
day: 20
Use any of these date entries:
- year or y -- year
- month or m -- month (use 1,2,3,etc. or Jan,Feb,Mar or January,February)
- week or w -- week (use 1,2,3, etc.)
- day or d -- day (use 1,2,3...31 or Wed 19, Thu 20,...)
- julian or j -- julian day (use 1,2,3..364,365)
Bonus: Add the year or month to the file name. If you use a filename in the YYYY-MM-title.txt or YYYY-title.txt or format than journal.txt will auto-add the year (and month) from the filename.
Note: You do NOT need a title for you entries and you do NOT need a title for your journal (use journal.txt if you like).
If you use a differnt name e.g. austria.txt or 2017-oktoberfest.txt than journal.txt will auto-add the title from the filename.
By default the journal entries get auto-titled. Example:
- Day #1 - Wed July 19
- Day #2 - Thu July 20
- Day #3 - Fri July 21
If you add a title - the title by default gets added e.g.
- Austria - Day #1 - Wed July 19
- Austria - Day #2 - Thu July 20
- Austria - Day #3 - Fri July 21
Note: You can always customize the title format. FUTURE (To be done).
You can add tweets (or toots) to your journal.TXT. Use a "generic" block in the Text with Instructions (.texti) format. Example:
:::::: Tweet :::::::
:: New! Journal.TXT - Single-Text File Publishing -
:: The Human Multi-Document Format for Writers - Blogging Reinvented https://journaltxt.github.io
or use the "long" block form:
:::::: Tweet ::::::::::::
New! Journal.TXT - Single-Text File Publishing -
The Human Multi-Document Format for Writers - Blogging Reinvented https://journaltxt.github.io
If configured your Journal.TXT processor will publish (auto-build) your blog AND publish your (new) tweets (on twitter) all from a single-text source file, for example.
{% include_relative samples/README.md %}
The Journal.TXT format and conventions are dedicated to the public domain. Use it as you please with no restrictions whatsoever.
Send them along to the wwwmake mailing list/forum. Thanks.