OBS 0.63b
- Add DirectX 8 and DirectDraw capture to game capture (bl00drav3n)
- Add a replay buffer feature that allows you to save video files of the last configured number of seconds (Palana)
- Add a drop-down to the recording button which has an option to use standard recording, replay buffer, or both at the same time (Palana)
- Add a dedicated hotkey panel in settings (Palana)
- Add option in uninstaller to remove all saved settings and plugins (R1CH)
- Add scene collections feature (ability to change between different sets of scenes, accessible via the 'scene collection' menu) (Glought)
- Add 'import' button to the global sources dialog to allow importing of global sources from other scene files (Glought)
- Add a 'Copy To' option in scenes to allow you to copy scenes between scene collections (Glought)
- Fix issue where game capture would stop capturing certain games such as league of legends after the game goes back to lobby (Jim)
- Fix potential github gist API issue (R1CH)
- Fix a crash in audio settings if no devices are present (R1CH)
- Fix a crash if removing global sources with no scenes (R1CH)
- Fix issues with some unicode characters not displaying correctly (Jim)
- Fix bug where the log menu wouldn't display things correctly (Palana)
- Fix other various random minor bugs and potential issues (R1CH)
- Fix keyboard tab order of all controls in the properties/settings windows (jack0r)
- Fix some freezes that could happen when stopping stream (R1CH)
- Fix issues with BF4 and borderless windowed mode (Jim)
- Update x264 to fix a crash that was occurring due to its version (R1CH)
- Update NVenc to latest NVenc API and make a number of improvements (BtbN)
- Make a number of improvements to quicksync encoder (Palana)
- Improve game capture hooking (R1CH)
- Remove justin.tv references (R1CH)
- Disable QSV encoder settings if QSV isn't selected as encoder (Palana)
- Made it so game capture hotkey will remember as well as save the window it was last assigned to capture to, and always attempt to re-hook it again (Jim)
- Remember 1:1 preview state on restart (Jim)
- Check for XInput support in the installer (R1CH)
- Remove help file, replace with online help which is more up-to-date (jack0r)
- Move "show log window" to help menu (jack0r)
- Preserve game capture target even if it isn't running (R1CH)
- Use application compatibility manifest to prevent OBS from running on unsupported revisions of windows (R1CH)