A tool to download and explore FDA datasets from https://api.fda.gov/download.json
This tool is divided in 2 main tools
go get github.com/jpramirez/epicFDA
cd $GOROOT/src/github.com/jpramirez/epicFDA/
make build/fetcher-linux
make build/weblayer-linux
cd build/dist/linux/
bin/epicFDAFetcher-server.v1 --config config/config.json
documentation in progress
Will fetch the entire dataset and store it in the destination folder
Will Run an https api currently with the following Enpoints
/api/v1/liveness -> Healtz of the service /api/v1/downloadIndex -> Download the main index and store it.
In progress
Activate download, unzip and get dataset data in json per Category. Start Microserice extraction (basic Map Reduce in GO) Integrate with possible Python3 backend.
Both binaries relay on config.json to define Webaddress, storage folder, log file and SSL certificates.
All files will be downloaded in config.datasetfolder destination order by Library / Type / Date / DisplayName It has a control (rudimentary) to pick up where it left (in case of failure) So we can download in parts.
It's not using any go routine at this moment so, in case more speed is needed we can maximize download speed. No Sharding has been setup.
This is a basic implementation to download the entire dataset to play with.
We use github.com/aktau/github-release to upload to the repository
go get github.com/aktau/github-release
For automatic deployment on github remeber to setup your GITHUB_TOKEN="".
For a clean upload to distribution in github.
make clean
make build/all
make package/linux
This will zip files and make a distribution, Version is inside the bashfile to change to something else as needed. (Can also be taken from pkg/constants/version.go )
For demo on downloading on AWS
The current development enviroment for this application is set to:
1./ Standard OS Box from osboxes.org 2./ VPN hub with OpenVPN on a droplet on Digital Ocean.(for Remote development) 3./ Loading Agent can run anywhere including local computer.