SwiftSyntax is a set of Swift bindings for the libSyntax library. It allows Swift tools to parse, inspect, generate, and transform Swift source code.
Its API is designed for performance-critical applications. It uses value types almost exclusively and aims to avoid existential conversions where possible.
Note: SwiftSyntax is still in development, and the API is not guaranteed to be stable. It's subject to change without warning.
Add this repository to the Package.swift
manifest of your project:
// swift-tools-version:5.6
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
name: "MyTool",
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/apple/swift-syntax.git", exact: "<#Specify Release tag#>"),
targets: [
.target(name: "MyTool", dependencies: [
.product(name: "SwiftSyntax", package: "swift-syntax"),
Replace <#Specify Release tag#>
by the version of SwiftSyntax that you want to use (see the following table for mapping details).
Xcode Release | Swift Release Tag | SwiftSyntax Release Tag |
Xcode 13.3 | swift-5.6-RELEASE | 0.50600.1 |
Xcode 13.0 | swift-5.5-RELEASE | 0.50500.0 |
Xcode 12.5 | swift-5.4-RELEASE | 0.50400.0 |
Xcode 12.0 | swift-5.3-RELEASE | 0.50300.0 |
Xcode 11.4 | swift-5.2-RELEASE | 0.50200.0 |
Then, import SwiftSyntax
in your Swift code.
Documentation can be found in the following places:
- For the parser: Sources/SwiftParser/SwiftParser.docc
- You can either directly view this documentation on GitHub or build a documenation bundle by opening the project in Xcode and clicking Product -> Build Documentation
- General documentation: Documentation
- Examples of using SwiftSyntax: Examples.
Start contributing to SwiftSyntax see this guide for more information.
If you should hit any issues while using SwiftSyntax, we appreciate bug reports on GitHub Issue.
Please see LICENSE for more information.