This project is my very first Android app. I created it back in 05/21/2014 while took Android classes at Proway IT Training. This's a shopping list app. The user can create shopping lists or to-do lists. After adding some items, you can mark them as done. As a shopping list app, you can also apply prices and quantities for your items. The interfaces and workflow will never be updated, by purposely. I want to keep it as a remembrance.
- Android SDK.
- SQLite.
PollFish library.Google Play Services.
- Create a shopping list.
- Create items for the shopping lists.
- Mark itens as done.
- Set prices and quantities.
- Share the shopping lists as text.
- Share the shopping lists as file.
- Exporting/Importing shopping lists as files.
- Scheduling future shops.
- Barcode scanner.
PollFish ads integration.Google AdMob integration.