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Implementing HMM for CS194-1. Comparing the T_MRCA (time since most recent common ancestor) for meiotic recombination.

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###  README --- CS194 HMM PS 5
Jae Ryoo
Saba Khalilnaji

In this project we were responsible for implementing a Hidden Markov Model (HMM) from scratch.
Programming Language: Python

INSTRUCTIONS on compiling and running our code:
Get into the file HMM_Khalilnaji_Ryoo
on the command line$python sequences.fasta initial_parameters.txt

you should get the following files:

NOTE: you will get print lines assuring you that our code is working but taking its 
time :) Thanks!
Please email: [email protected] if you are having trouble running our code. Thanks!
Instructor: Yun S. Song
Out: March 22, 2012
Due: April 16, 2012
Problem Set 5
UC Berkeley, CS194-1: Algorithms for Computational Biology (Spring 2012)
HMM implementation
The goal of this problem set is to implement the key algorithms for HMM discussed in class. Throughout, we will consider 
the following interesting biological application:
	Meiotic recombination is an important biological mechanism common to most forms of life. As a consequence of
recombination, different positions on the same chromosome may have different genealogical histories. For example, given
a pair of homologous sequences, different positions may have different times (denoted TMRCA) to the most recent common
ancestor (MRCA), as illustrated in Figure 1. Recently, Li and Durbin (Nature, 475:493-496, 2011) used a hidden Markov
model to estimate the position-specific T_MRCA for a pair of sequences. The transition and emission probabilities in
their HMM arise from a stochastic genealogical process (called the coalescent), which you do not need to know to do the
problems described below.

              |                       ||                                                | |           |
              |                       ||                                                | |           |
	  4  -|     		      ||                                                | |           |
              |                       ||                                                | |           |     
              |                       ||                                                | |           |     
              |                       ||                                                | |           |     
          3  -|                       ||                                                | |           |     
              |                       ||                                                | |           |     
Time to       |                       ||                                                | |           |     
MRCA          |                       ||                                                | |           |     
          2  -|                       ||                                                | |           |     
              |                     .-..------------.    .------------.                 | .           |     
              |                     |               |    |            |                 |  |          |     
              |                     |               |    |            |                 |  |          |     
          1  -|                     |               |    |            |                 |  |          |     
              |                     |               |    |            |                 |  |          |
	      |                     |               |    |            |                 |  |          |
              |  -------------------.               .----.            .-----------------.  .--------  |     
                 |               |                |               |               |                |       
                 0               20              40              60              80               100       
                                                     Position (kb)

Figure 1: Time to the most recent common ancestor along a pair of homologous sequences, each of length 100 kb. Time is
measured in units of 2N_e generations, where N_e is the so-called "effective" population size. For humans, an 
approximate long-term effective population size is N_e = 10,000.

 - You may use any of the following programming languages: C, C++, Java, Python, Perl, Ruby. Use only the standard 
   libraries for each language. Please provide a document detailing how one can compile and run your code. you should 
   submit your source code and answers to the questions below, via e-mail to both the instructor and the GSI.
 - You are strongly encouraged to pair up with a fellow student in class.
 - Download ps5data.tgz from the course webpage. Included in the tar archive is a file called sequences.fasta, which 
   contains a pair of DNA sequences of length L = 100,000 in FASTA format. Consider the following HMM:
   - The observed symbol x_i in (SIGMA)� = {I,D} at position 1 �<= i <= L corresponds to whether the two sequences are 
     identical (I) or different (D) at that position.
   - The hidden state q_i in S = {t_1, t_2, t_3, t_4} at position 1 �<= i <= L corresponds to the T_MRCA at that 
   - Assume that the hidden random variables {Q_i, 1 �<= i <= L} form a homogeneous Markov chain, with transition 
     probabilities a_kl, for k,l in S.
   - As usual, the probability of emitting symbol (sigma) in (SIGMA) from state k in S is denoted by e_k((sigma)). The 
     parameters of the model are (THETA) = {a_kl, e_k((sigma)), m_k}_{k,l in S; (sigma) in (SIGMA)}, where m_k denotes 
     the marginal probability P(Q_1 = k), which can be regarded as the transition probability a_begin,k.

Remark: We expect P(D|Q = t_j) > P(D|Q=t_i), for t_j > t_i. Why?

	1. Implement the forward and backward algorithms.
	2. Implement the Baum-Welch algorithm and use it to estimate the parameters of the model. For initialization, 
           use the parameters (THETA)_initial  provided in initial_parameters.txt. Store your estimated parameters 
           (THETA)_estimated  in a file called estimated_parameters.txt.
	3. In a file called likelihoods.txt, store the log-likelihoods for the initial parameters (THETA)_�initial and 
           for your estimated parameters �(THETA)_estimated.
	4. Using the initial parameters �(THETA)_initial, produce both Viterbi and posterior decodings, and compute the 
           posterior mean E[T_MRCA | x, (THETA)_�initial] for each position. Assume that S = {0.32, 1.75, 4.54, 9.40}. To          
           identify which hidden state should correspond to which time, think about the remark mentioned above.
		(a) Output your results to decodings_initial.txt in a 3-column format (Viterbi decoding, posterior 
                    decoding, posterior mean).
		(b) Plot your results, together with the true TMRCA in true_tmrca.txt. (In fact, Figure 1 shows the true 
                    T_MRCA for the data you are analyzing.) Name your figure file plot_initial.pdf.
	5. Using your estimated parameters �estimated, produce both Viterbi and posterior decodings, and compute the 
	   posterior mean E[T_MRCA | x, (THETA)_�estimated] for each position.
		(a) Output your results to decodings_estimated.txt in a 3-column format (Viterbi decoding, posterior       
                    decoding, posterior mean).
		(b) Plot your results, together with the true T_MRCA in true_tmrca.txt. Name your figure file 

Additional exercise (not to be turned in): Try starting the Baum-Welch algorithm with different initial parameter 
settings. Do you obtain the same final estimates?

Copyright 2012: Yun S. Song

For ease of grading, please use the output format described below.

Your program should take 2 input arguments:
The input sequence file: sequence.fasta
The initial parameters file: initial_parameters.txt

Your program should output 4 files:

For any floating-point output, use the format "%.2e", which is scientific notation with 2 digits of precision after the 
decimal. For example, 123.456 should be output as "1.23e+02". Note the lower case "e".
In C/C++, this would be
printf("%.4e", 123.45678);
and in Python, this would be
print "%.4e" % 123.45678

Label the 4 states 1, 2, 3, and 4, where 1 corresponds to coalescent time 0.32, 2 corresponds to 1.75, etc.

The format for the estimated_parameters.txt file is:
The first 4 lines are the probabilities for the initial state. Each line should have the state label (an integer from 1 to 4)
 followed by a single space followed by the probability in the proper floating-point format.
The next 4 lines are the transition probabilities in matrix format. Each line should have 4 numbers, separated by _single_ 
spaces, using the proper floating-point format. Do not label the states in the transition matrix. It should be 4 lines, with 
4 numbers on each line.
The next 4 lines are the emission probabilities. Each line should have the state label (an integer from 1 to 4) followed by 
the emission probability for "I", in the proper floating-point format, followed by the emission probability for "D".

As an example, the initial_parameters.txt file in this format would look as follows.
1 6.03e-01
2 3.57e-01
3 3.89e-02
4 5.39e-04
1.00e+00 7.61e-05 8.28e-06 1.15e-07
1.28e-04 1.00e+00 8.49e-05 1.18e-06
1.28e-04 7.80e-04 9.99e-01 2.36e-05
1.28e-04 7.80e-04 1.70e-03 9.97e-01
1 9.96e-01 3.90e-03
2 9.84e-01 1.64e-02
3 9.60e-01 4.00e-02
4 9.22e-01 7.83e-02
As a quick check, your output file should be exactly 268 bytes.

Please do not forget the new line character at the end of the last line. This does _not_ mean the last line should be an empty 
line; it means that the last line should have a new line character at the end.

The output file likelihoods.txt should have exactly 2 lines. The first line is the log likelihood for the initial parameters and
 the second line is the log likelihood for the your estimated parameters. Again, use the proper floating-point format, and don't
 forget the newline character at the end of the second line.
For example:
The output file decodings_initial.txt and decodings_estimated.txt have the same format.
Each file should have 100,000 lines, one for each site in the data. Each line should have 3 numbers. The first number is the
 (an integer) corresponding to the Viterbi decoding, the second number is the state (an integer) corresponding to the posterior
 decoding, and the third number is the posterior mean (a floating-point number). Use the above format for the floating-point 
number. These numbers should be separated by _single_ spaces.
For example, the first 5 lines of decodings_initial.txt might look like this
1 1 8.23e-01
1 1 8.23e-01
1 1 8.23e-01
2 2 1.95e+00
2 3 2.33e+00
As a check, decodings_initial.txt and decodings_estimated.txt should each be exactly 1300000 bytes. (Each line is exactly 13 bytes,
 including the newline character, and there are 100,000 lines.)

The plots for 4(b) and 5(b) may be generated however you choose. Those should _not_ be automatically generated by your program.

When writing to files, be sure that they are open for "write" and not for "append".

Let me know if you have any questions on this specification.
- Andrew Chan
## Copyright 2012: Saba Khalilnaji, Jae Young Ryoo
## Keywords: CS194-1, CS194, HMM


Implementing HMM for CS194-1. Comparing the T_MRCA (time since most recent common ancestor) for meiotic recombination.






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