Nata Engine is a simple data-driven game engine built from the ground up in C++ and OpenGL. The engine allows to make simple games or any other visual applications.
- Rendering Engine
- Data-Oriented Architecture
- Collisions
- UI and screen space
- Particle System
- Rigidbodies and physics engine
- Better logging and debugging
- Networking
- Editor graphical interface
- glfw : A multi-platform library for OpenGL, OpenGL ES, Vulkan, window and input.
- glew : The OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library.
- glm : OpenGL Mathematics (GLM) is a header only C++ mathematics library for graphics software based on the OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL) specifications.
- Assimp : The Open Asset Import Library (short name: Assimp) is a portable Open-Source library to import various well-known 3D model formats in a uniform manner.
- imgui : Graphical user interface library.