We want to finish the implementation of the Minesweeper game, we already have the base engine to generate maps and bombs. Now we want to add the last functionality of this program: Hiding the cells and revealing when users "click" on them. Using the code below please finish the program: Add a fog of war, so the player cannot see the map and where the bombs are, you can modify the displayBoard() function to represent the fog as #. Hint: You can add a new array to track the fog of war and show that instead. Add a function called reveal(x,y) that reveals the map where the fog of war is If the x, y is the position of a bomb, it should display the message "You lost". If there are no more spaces to reveal, besides bombs, output a message "You win" Otherwise, reveal what is in the fog. If the space is empty, reveal all squares recursively until it reaches a number (Bonus) Add improvements to the code that you think is worth adding
The test was implemented in PHP, it was modified to comply with PSR-4 standard.
Composer and PHPUnit was added to add unit tests
The code was refactored to make it object oriented and refactored to avoid repetition, global variables etc.
Some optional parameters were added to the constructor to make it easier to test such as amount of mines placed randomly or the ability of manually placing the mines in the grid.
composer install
composer exec phpunit --verbose tests
to run tests