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My dotfiles

this is my workflow described and exported from one single repo through the power of nix.

Running with nix

if you want to try a specific program all you need is the nix package manager or nix-portable if you can't / don't want to install nix. for a full list of exported programs you can run, have a look in flake.nix.

# run neovim config without installing
nix run github:juliamertz/dotfiles#neovim

to enter a full fledged development environment with tmux, neovim, lazygit and a terminal emulator:

nix develop github:juliamertz/dotfiles#minimal

Include in NixOS/Nix-Darwin system configuration

To avoid having to call nix everytime i want to use some program it's easier to build it once. Assuming you're using flakes, add this repository as an input e.g.

  inputs = {
    nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
    dotfiles = {
      url = "github:juliamertz/dotfiles";
      inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";


Then you can add these programs to your environment like this

{ inputs, pkgs, ... }:
  dotfiles = inputs.dotfiles.packages.${pkgs.system};
  environment.systemPackages = with dotfiles; [

Sometimes you need direct access to the configuration, for example my window-manager configurations. these can simply be accessed like this, it's up to you how this is included in your system config.

{ inputs, ... }:
  home.file.".config/awesome" = {
    source = "${inputs.dotfiles}/awesome";
    recursive = true;