A C++ port of Philippe Weinzaepfel's C DeepFlow library, using OpenCV/CUDA
Reference papers are: [P. Weinzaepfel, J. Revaud, Z. Harchaoui and C. Schmid. DeepFlow: Large displacement optical flow with deep matching. ICCV 2013] [J. Revaud, P. Weinzaepfel, Z. Harchaoui and C. Schmid. DeepMatching: hierarchical deformable dense matching. IJCV 2016]
Provided test images are taken from the MPI Sintel dataset: [D.J. Butler, J. Wulff, G.B. Stanley and M.J. Black. A naturalistic open source movie for optical flow evaluation. ECCV 2012]
See README.txt for requirements and build instructions.