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Optimized algorithm to find all solutions for the N-Queens-Problem in Java

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Submitted version of my entry to the N-Queens speed-challenge as part of the lab class Fundamentals of Programming of my first semester at the Technical University of Munich.

Progress from trivial to fast

Since this was the winning submission (in the category "non-threaded"), I added a progress branch where you can relive my progress from the trivial algorithm to the optimized (fast) algoritm.

You can browse the changes here: progress

Known bugs

Many, many spelling errors :)


I heavily optimized the code so it generates almost optimal byte code for the the chosen algorithmic approach. Here is the byte code generated from the performance-critical function:

private static int findPos(int, int, int, int);
     0: iconst_0
     1: istore        4
     3: iload_0
     4: iload_1
     5: iload_2
     6: ior
     7: iload_3
     8: ior
     9: iconst_m1
    10: ixor
    11: iand
    12: istore        7
    14: iload         7
    16: ifle          78
    19: iload         7
    21: ineg
    22: iload         7
    24: iand
    25: istore        5
    27: iload_1
    28: iload         5
    30: ior
    31: istore        6
    33: iload         7
    35: iload         5
    37: ixor
    38: istore        7
    40: iload         6
    42: iload_0
    43: if_icmpge     72
    46: iload         4
    48: iload_0
    49: iload         6
    51: iload_2
    52: iload         5
    54: ior
    55: iconst_1
    56: iushr
    57: iload_3
    58: iload         5
    60: ior
    61: iconst_1
    62: ishl
    63: invokestatic  #31                 // Method findPos:(IIII)I
    66: iadd
    67: istore        4
    69: goto          14
    72: iinc          4, 1
    75: goto          14
    78: iload         4
    80: ireturn


Optimized algorithm to find all solutions for the N-Queens-Problem in Java







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