Personal environment settings for Ubuntu.
- terminal multiplexer: tmux
- color scheme: custom adaptation of hyper-snazzy
- shell: zsh
- editor: VIM
- plugin manager: Vundle
- plugins: refer to
- recommended
- color scheme: hyper-snazzy
- fonts: Menlo for Powerline
The settings in .config/user-dirs.dirs
file will require the following modifications
to the home directory:
- Changing the user directory names to lowercase
- Merging
directory tomedia
If you wish not to make such change, keep an original copy of your user-dirs.dirs
and revert back after installing the settings in this repository.
WARNING: The following script will overwrite your home directory with the files of this repository. Make sure to keep backups to your previous settings if necessary.
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"