We introduced the patience factor that generalizes the widely-used implementation of beam text decoding. The patience factor adds flexibility to the depth of search and improves performance on machine translation and summarization.
We forked the fairseq library and added the patience factor. You can incorporate this one-line change in any implementation of beam decoding, but here we provide the codebase that we used for our paper. To run experiments, follow the fairseq instructions and run in this repository:
cd fairseq
pip install --editable .
Download and uncompress the pretrained multilingual BART models from the fairseq repository:
wget https://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/fairseq/models/mbart50/mbart50.ft.1n.tar.gz
wget https://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/fairseq/models/mbart50/mbart50.ft.n1.tar.gz
tar xvzf mbart50.ft.1n.tar.gz
tar xvzf mbart50.ft.n1.tar.gz
Here are some example commands.
English to German (EN-DE) with FCFS p=2
python generate_mbart_1n.py --lang de --out-file mt/en-de/output/newstest2021.en-de.mbart.p2.de --in-file mt/en-de/src/newstest2021.en-de.src.en --patience-factor 2 --model-dir <model_dir>
Japanese to English (JA-EN) with FCFS p=1
(the original algorithm).
python generate_mbart_n1.py --lang ja --out-file mt/ja-en/output/newstest2021.ja-en.mbart.p1.en --in-file mt/ja-en/src/newstest2021.ja-en.src.ja --patience-factor 1 --model-dir <model_dir>
English to Chinese (EN-ZH) with vanilla decoding.
python generate_mbart_1n.py --lang zh --out-file mt/en-zh/output/newstest2021.en-zh.mbart.vanilla.zh --in-file mt/en-zh/src/newstest2021.en-zh.src.en --vanilla --model-dir <model_dir>
Polish to English (PL-EN) with greedy decoding.
python generate_mbart_n1.py --lang pl --out-file mt/pl-en/output/newstest2020.pl-en.mbart.greedy.en --in-file mt/pl-en/src/newstest2020.pl-en.src.pl --beam 1 --model-dir <model_dir>
Notice that the reference file newstest2021.en-ja.ref.jsonl
is a jsonl
file because some language pairs have multiple references per instance.
Download and uncompress the pretrained, finetuned BART models:
wget https://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/fairseq/models/bart.large.cnn.tar.gz
wget https://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/fairseq/models/bart.large.xsum.tar.gz
tar xvzf bart.large.cnn.tar.gz
tar xvzf bart.large.xsum.tar.gz
Here are some example commands.
XSUM summarization with FCFS p=0.5
python generate_bart_xsum.py --out-file summ/xsum/output/xsum_p0.5_default.txt --in-file summ/xsum/src/xsum_src.txt --patience-factor 0.5 --model-dir <model_dir>
CNNDM summarization with vanilla decoding.
python generate_bart_cnndm.py --out-file summ/cnndm/output/cnndm_vanilla_default.txt --in-file summ/cnndm/src/cnndm_src.txt --vanilla --model-dir <model_dir>
Lastly, we provide tools for evaluations: COMET for machine translation and ROUGE for summarization. For example,
cd eval/COMET/
bash run.sh ../../fairseq/mt/en-ja/src/newstest2021.en-ja.src.en ../../fairseq/mt/en-ja/output/newstest2021.en-ja.mbart.p2.ja ../../fairseq/mt/en-ja/tgt/newstest2021.en-ja.ref.jsonl ../../fairseq/mt/en-ja/output/newstest2021.en-ja.mbart.p2.ja.comet
cd eval/ROUGE/
bash run.sh ../../fairseq/summ/cnndm/src/cnndm_src.txt ../../fairseq/summ/cnndm/output/cnndm_p0.5_default.txt ../../fairseq/summ/cnndm/tgt/cnndm_refs.jsonl ../../fairseq/summ/cnndm/output/cnndm_p0.5_default.rouge3 rouge3
title = {Beam Decoding with Controlled Patience},
author = {Jungo Kasai and Keisuke Sakaguchi and Ronan Le Bras and Dragomir Radev and Yejin Choi and Noah A. Smith},
year = {2022},
url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/2204.05424},