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support for Arabic and Hebrew on TTS widgets and addition of multi sp…
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…eed player widget
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justinhunt committed Mar 31, 2023
1 parent 4022576 commit 28a5a7f
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Showing 7 changed files with 25 additions and 4 deletions.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions CHANGES.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
Change List
Version 3.1.64 (Build 2023033001)
- Support for Arabic and Hebrew on Text to Audio (cloud) and Passage Reader (cloud) widgets
- Support for Arabic and Hebrew on Poodll Audio Player widget
- Added multi speed player widget

Version 3.1.63 (Build 2023033000)
- fixed tabs and accordians widgets for Moodle4.x
- fixed custom course field fetching in filter using @@COURSE:customfieldshortname@@
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions presets/pw-multispeedplayer.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"name":"MultiSpeed Player Widget","key":"pw-multispeedplayer","version":"1.0.0","instructions":"Insert an audio player or audio link between the tags. The multi speed audio player will take over.","showatto":"1","showplayers":"0","requirecss":"","requirejs":"","shim":"","defaults":"","amd":"1","body":"<div id='@@AUTOID@@_container' style=\"display: none; max-width: 330px; width: 100%;\">\n<button onclick=\"SlowSpeed('@@AUTOID@@')\" type=\"button\"><img src=\"@@WWWROOT@@/filter/poodll/3rdparty/adamplayer/slowspeed.png\" alt=\"80% (Turtle)\">80%</button>\n<button onclick=\"RegularSpeed('@@AUTOID@@')\" type=\"button\"><img src=\"@@WWWROOT@@/filter/poodll/3rdparty/adamplayer/regularspeed.png\" alt=\"100% (Regular)\">100%</button> \n<button onclick=\"FastSpeed('@@AUTOID@@')\" type=\"button\"><img src=\"@@WWWROOT@@/filter/poodll/3rdparty/adamplayer/fastspeed.png\" alt=\"125% (Rabbit)\">125%</button><br />\n<audio id=\"@@AUTOID@@\" preload=\"meta\" controls=\"controls\" class=\"nomediaplugin\" >\n</audio>\n<div id=\"@@AUTOID@@_original\" style=\"display: none\">\n\n\n","bodyend":"</div>","script":"function parseMedia(containerid, mediatype) {\n var ret = {};\n ret.mediaurl = false;\n ret.lang = false;\n ret.subtitlesurl = false;\n ret.sources = false;\n ret.imgurl = false;\n\n //do we have an audio player?\n var originalplayer = $('#' + containerid + ' ' + mediatype).first();\n if (originalplayer.length === 1) {\n\n ret.lang = $('#' + containerid + ' ' + mediatype + ' track[kind=\"captions\"]').first().attr('srclang');\n ret.subtitlesurl = $('#' + containerid + ' ' + mediatype + ' track[kind=\"captions\"]').first().attr('src');\n\n if (originalplayer.attr('src') !== undefined) {\n ret.mediaurl = originalplayer.attr('src');\n } else {\n ret.mediaurl = $('#' + containerid + ' ' + mediatype + ' source').first().attr('src');\n }\n ret.sources = $('#' + containerid + ' ' + mediatype + ' source');\n\n\n //make sure moodle and poodll leave it alone from here on\n originalplayer.addClass('nomediaplugin');\n originalplayer.addClass('nopoodll');\n } else {\n\n //hopefully we have data attributes in the a link\n var originallink = $('#' + containerid + ' a').first();\n ret.mediaurl = originallink.attr('href');\n ret.lang = originallink.attr('data-lang');\n ret.subtitlesurl = originallink.attr('data-subtitles');\n ret.imgurl = originallink.attr('data-img');\n\n //but we might be in the old form where they were params on the url\n if (ret.subtitlesurl === undefined && ret.mediaurl.split('?').length > 0) {\n var urlParams = new URLSearchParams(ret.mediaurl.split('?')[1]);\n ret.subtitlesurl = urlParams.get('data-subtitles');\n ret.lang = urlParams.get('data-language');\n ret.mediaurl = mediaurl.split('?')[0]\n }\n\n //make sure moodle and poodll leave it alone from here on\n originallink.addClass('nomediaplugin');\n originallink.addClass('nopoodll');\n }\n\n //do we have an image\n if(!ret.imgurl) {\n var originalimg = $('#' + containerid + ' img').first();\n if (originalimg.length === 1) {\n ret.imgurl = originalimg.attr('src');\n ;\n }\n }\n\n return ret; \n }//end of parse function\n\n\nvar mediadetails= parseMedia(@@AUTOID@@ + '_original', 'audio');\n$('#' + @@AUTOID@@ + '_container').show();\n$('#' + @@AUTOID@@).attr('src', mediadetails.mediaurl);\n\n","style":"","dataset":"","datasetvars":"","alternate":"<audio id=\"@@AUTOID@@\" controls=\"controls\" class=\"nomediaplugin\">\n <source src=\"@@VIDEOURL@@\" type=\"audio/mpeg\">\n</audio>","alternateend":""}
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion presets/textblockreader.txt

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion presets/tta.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1 +1 @@
{"name":"Text to Audio (Cloud)","key":"tta","version":"1.0.5","instructions":"Enter the text to be read between the 'tta' tags after they are inserted on the page. (Uses Cloud Poodll) ","showatto":"1","showplayers":"0","requirecss":"","requirejs":"","shim":"","defaults":"format=\"text|ssml\",language=\"English(US)|English(GB)|English(AU)|English(In)|English(Welsh)|Danish|Dutch|Dutch(BE)|French(FR)|French(CA)|German|Icelandic|Italian|Japanese|Korean|Norwegian|Polish|Portugese(BR)|Portugese(PT)|Romanian|Russian|Spanish(ES)|Spanish(US)|Swedish|Turkish|Welsh\",\nspeaker=\"Male|Female\"","amd":"1","body":"<audio id=\"@@AUTOID@@_audioplayer\" class=\"nomediaplugin\" controls/>\n<!-- @@CLOUDPOODLLTOKEN@@ -->\n<div id=\"@@AUTOID@@\" class='hide nolink'>","bodyend":"</div>","script":"//FUNCTION fetch polly url\n var fetch_polly_url = function(speaktext, voice, format, callback) {\n\n //The REST API we are calling\n var functionname = 'local_cpapi_fetch_polly_url';\n\n //fetch the Posturl. We need this.\n //set up our ajax request\n var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();\n var that = this;\n\n //set up our handler for the response\n xhr.onreadystatechange = function (e) {\n if (this.readyState === 4) {\n if (xhr.status == 200) {\n\n //get a yes or forgetit or tryagain\n var payload = xhr.responseText;\n var payloadobject = JSON.parse(payload);\n if (payloadobject) {\n //returnCode > 0 indicates an error\n if (payloadobject.returnCode > 0) {\n console.log(payloadobject.returnMessage);\n return false;\n //if all good, then lets do the embed\n } else if (payloadobject.returnCode === 0){\n var pollyurl = payloadobject.returnMessage;\n callback(pollyurl);\n } else {\n console.log('Polly Signed URL Request failed:');\n console.log(payloadobject);\n }\n } else {\n console.log('Polly Signed URL Request something bad happened');\n }\n } else {\n console.log('Polly Signed URL Request Not 200 response:' + xhr.status);\n }\n }\n };\n\n //make our request\n var xhrparams = \"wstoken=\" + @@CLOUDPOODLLTOKEN@@\n + \"&wsfunction=\" + functionname\n + \"&moodlewsrestformat=\" + 'json'\n + \"&text=\" + encodeURIComponent(speaktext)\n + '&texttype=' + format\n + '&voice=' + voice\n + '&appid=' + 'filter_poodll'\n + '&owner=poodll'\n + '&region=useast1';\n\n var serverurl = '' + \"/webservice/rest/server.php\";\n\"POST\", serverurl, true);\n xhr.setRequestHeader(\"Cache-Control\", \"no-cache\");\n xhr.setRequestHeader(\"Content-Type\", \"application/x-www-form-urlencoded\");\n xhr.send(xhrparams);\n };\n\n\nvar usetext = $('#' + @@AUTOID@@).text();\nvar theplayer = $('#' + @@AUTOID@@ + '_audioplayer');\nvar mf=@@speaker@@\n\nswitch(@@language@@){\ncase \"English(US)\": voice = mf=='Male'?'Joey':'Kendra';break;\ncase \"English(GB)\": voice = mf=='Male'?'Brian':'Amy';break;\ncase \"English(AU)\": voice = mf=='Male'?'Russell':'Nicole';break;\ncase \"English(IN)\": voice = mf=='Male'?'Aditi':'Raveena';break;\ncase \"English(WELSH)\": voice = mf=='Male'? 'Geraint':'Geraint';break;\ncase \"Danish\": voice = mf=='Male'?'Mads':'Naja';break;\ncase \"Dutch\": voice = mf=='Male'?'Ruben':'Lotte';break;\ncase \"Dutch(BE)\": voice = mf=='Male'?'nl-BE-Wavenet-B':'nl-BE-Wavenet-A';break;\ncase \"French(FR)\": voice = mf=='Male'?'Mathieu':'Celine';break;\ncase \"French(CA)\": voice = mf=='Male'?'Chantal':'Chantal';break;\ncase \"German\": voice = mf=='Male'?'Hans':'Marlene';break;\ncase \"Icelandic\": voice = mf=='Male'?'Karl':'Dora';break;\ncase \"Italian\": voice = mf=='Male'?'Carla':'Giorgio';break;\ncase \"Japanese\": voice = mf=='Male'?'Takumi':'Mizuki';break;\ncase \"Korean\": voice = mf=='Male'?'Seoyan':'Seoyan';break;\ncase \"Norwegian\": voice = mf=='Male'?'Liv':'Liv';break;\ncase \"Polish\": voice = mf=='Male'?'Jacek':'Ewa';break;\ncase \"Portugese(BR)\": voice = mf=='Male'?'Ricardo':'Vitoria';break;\ncase \"Portugese(PT)\": voice = mf=='Male'?'Cristiano':'Ines';break;\ncase \"Romanian\": voice = mf=='Male'?'Carmen':'Carmen';break;\ncase \"Russian\": voice = mf=='Male'?'Maxim':'Tatyana';break;\ncase \"Spanish(ES)\": voice = mf=='Male'?'Enrique':'Conchita';break;\ncase \"Spanish(US)\": voice = mf=='Male'?'Miguel':'Penelope';break;\ncase \"Swedish\": voice = mf=='Male'?'Astrid':'Astrid';break;\ncase \"Turkish\": voice = mf=='Male'?'Filiz':'Filiz';break;\ncase \"Welsh\": voice = mf=='Male'?'Gwyneth':'Gwyneth';break;\ndefault: voice = mf=='Male'?'Brian':'Amy';\n}\n\n\n//we replace tags with markers to survive going into a URL and out again\n//usetext = usetext.replace(/</gi, \"PPPP\");\n//usetext = usetext.replace(/>/gi, \"dddd\");\n\nvar datastring= @@format@@ + '|' + voice + '|' + usetext;\nvar format = @@format@@;\n\nfetch_polly_url(usetext,voice,format,function(audiourl){\n theplayer.attr('src',audiourl);\n }\n);\n\n","style":"","dataset":"","datasetvars":"","alternate":"","alternateend":""}
{"name":"Text to Audio (Cloud)","key":"tta","version":"1.0.7","instructions":"Enter the text to be read between the 'tta' tags after they are inserted on the page. (Uses Cloud Poodll) ","showatto":"1","showplayers":"0","requirecss":"","requirejs":"","shim":"","defaults":"format=\"text|ssml\",language=\"English(US)|English(GB)|English(AU)|English(In)|English(Welsh)|Arabic|Danish|Dutch|Dutch(BE)|Farsi|French(FR)|French(CA)|German|Hebrew|Icelandic|Italian|Japanese|Korean|Norwegian|Polish|Portugese(BR)|Portugese(PT)|Romanian|Russian|Spanish(ES)|Spanish(US)|Swedish|Turkish|Welsh\",\nspeaker=\"Male|Female\"","amd":"1","body":"<audio id=\"@@AUTOID@@_audioplayer\" class=\"nomediaplugin\" controls/>\n<!-- @@CLOUDPOODLLTOKEN@@ -->\n<div id=\"@@AUTOID@@\" class='hide nolink'>","bodyend":"</div>","script":"//FUNCTION fetch polly url\n var fetch_polly_url = function(speaktext, voice, format, callback) {\n\n //The REST API we are calling\n var functionname = 'local_cpapi_fetch_polly_url';\n\n //fetch the Posturl. We need this.\n //set up our ajax request\n var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();\n var that = this;\n\n //set up our handler for the response\n xhr.onreadystatechange = function (e) {\n if (this.readyState === 4) {\n if (xhr.status == 200) {\n\n //get a yes or forgetit or tryagain\n var payload = xhr.responseText;\n var payloadobject = JSON.parse(payload);\n if (payloadobject) {\n //returnCode > 0 indicates an error\n if (payloadobject.returnCode > 0) {\n console.log(payloadobject.returnMessage);\n return false;\n //if all good, then lets do the embed\n } else if (payloadobject.returnCode === 0){\n var pollyurl = payloadobject.returnMessage;\n callback(pollyurl);\n } else {\n console.log('Polly Signed URL Request failed:');\n console.log(payloadobject);\n }\n } else {\n console.log('Polly Signed URL Request something bad happened');\n }\n } else {\n console.log('Polly Signed URL Request Not 200 response:' + xhr.status);\n }\n }\n };\n\n //make our request\n var xhrparams = \"wstoken=\" + @@CLOUDPOODLLTOKEN@@\n + \"&wsfunction=\" + functionname\n + \"&moodlewsrestformat=\" + 'json'\n + \"&text=\" + encodeURIComponent(speaktext)\n + '&texttype=' + format\n + '&voice=' + voice\n + '&appid=' + 'filter_poodll'\n + '&owner=poodll'\n + '&region=useast1';\n\n var serverurl = '' + \"/webservice/rest/server.php\";\n\"POST\", serverurl, true);\n xhr.setRequestHeader(\"Cache-Control\", \"no-cache\");\n xhr.setRequestHeader(\"Content-Type\", \"application/x-www-form-urlencoded\");\n xhr.send(xhrparams);\n };\n\n\nvar usetext = $('#' + @@AUTOID@@).text();\nvar theplayer = $('#' + @@AUTOID@@ + '_audioplayer');\nvar mf=@@speaker@@\n\nswitch(@@language@@){\ncase \"English(US)\": voice = mf=='Male'?'Joey':'Kendra';break;\ncase \"English(GB)\": voice = mf=='Male'?'Brian':'Amy';break;\ncase \"English(AU)\": voice = mf=='Male'?'Russell':'Nicole';break;\ncase \"English(IN)\": voice = mf=='Male'?'Aditi':'Raveena';break;\ncase \"English(WELSH)\": voice = mf=='Male'? 'Geraint':'Geraint';break;\ncase \"Arabic\": voice = mf=='Male'?'ar-XA-Wavenet-B':'Zeina';break;\ncase \"Danish\": voice = mf=='Male'?'Mads':'Naja';break;\ncase \"Dutch\": voice = mf=='Male'?'Ruben':'Lotte';break;\ncase \"Dutch(BE)\": voice = mf=='Male'?'nl-BE-Wavenet-B':'nl-BE-Wavenet-A';break;\ncase \"French(FR)\": voice = mf=='Male'?'Mathieu':'Celine';break;\ncase \"French(CA)\": voice = mf=='Male'?'Chantal':'Chantal';break;\ncase \"German\": voice = mf=='Male'?'Hans':'Marlene';break;\ncase \"Hebrew\": voice = mf=='Male'?'he-IL-Wavenet-B':'he-IL-Wavenet-A';break;\ncase \"Icelandic\": voice = mf=='Male'?'Karl':'Dora';break;\ncase \"Italian\": voice = mf=='Male'?'Carla':'Giorgio';break;\ncase \"Japanese\": voice = mf=='Male'?'Takumi':'Mizuki';break;\ncase \"Korean\": voice = mf=='Male'?'Seoyan':'Seoyan';break;\ncase \"Norwegian\": voice = mf=='Male'?'Liv':'Liv';break;\ncase \"Polish\": voice = mf=='Male'?'Jacek':'Ewa';break;\ncase \"Portugese(BR)\": voice = mf=='Male'?'Ricardo':'Vitoria';break;\ncase \"Portugese(PT)\": voice = mf=='Male'?'Cristiano':'Ines';break;\ncase \"Romanian\": voice = mf=='Male'?'Carmen':'Carmen';break;\ncase \"Russian\": voice = mf=='Male'?'Maxim':'Tatyana';break;\ncase \"Spanish(ES)\": voice = mf=='Male'?'Enrique':'Conchita';break;\ncase \"Spanish(US)\": voice = mf=='Male'?'Miguel':'Penelope';break;\ncase \"Swedish\": voice = mf=='Male'?'Astrid':'Astrid';break;\ncase \"Turkish\": voice = mf=='Male'?'Filiz':'Filiz';break;\ncase \"Welsh\": voice = mf=='Male'?'Gwyneth':'Gwyneth';break;\ndefault: voice = mf=='Male'?'Brian':'Amy';\n}\n\n\n//we replace tags with markers to survive going into a URL and out again\n//usetext = usetext.replace(/</gi, \"PPPP\");\n//usetext = usetext.replace(/>/gi, \"dddd\");\n\nvar datastring= @@format@@ + '|' + voice + '|' + usetext;\nvar format = @@format@@;\n\nfetch_polly_url(usetext,voice,format,function(audiourl){\n theplayer.attr('src',audiourl);\n }\n);\n\n","style":"","dataset":"","datasetvars":"","alternate":"","alternateend":""}
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions styles.css
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4945,4 +4945,9 @@ video.poodll_multivideoplayer_video {
.poodll_multivideoplayer .volume-control {
display: none;

.filter_poodll_rtl {
direction: rtl;
/* text-align: right; */
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions templates/pw-poodllaudio.mustache
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -171,6 +171,15 @@
app.loadVTT(app.options.vtt, function(captions) {
app.captions = captions;
//set right to left if necessary
case 'ar-AE':
case 'ar-SA':
case 'fa-IR':
case 'he-IL':
} else {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -302,6 +311,7 @@
options.hasVtt = mediadetails.subtitlesurl ? true : false;
options.vtt= mediadetails.subtitlesurl; //"", mediadetails.mediaurl;//"",
options.captions= [];
options.waveform= true;
options.hasImage= mediadetails.imgurl ? true : false;
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions version.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,9 +25,9 @@

defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();

$plugin->version = 2023033000;
$plugin->version = 2023033001;
$plugin->requires = 2016052300;//moodle 3.1.0
$plugin->component = 'filter_poodll';
$plugin->maturity = MATURITY_STABLE;
$plugin->release = '3.1.63 (Build 2023033000)';
$plugin->release = '3.1.64 (Build 2023033001)';

0 comments on commit 28a5a7f

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