65021EM stands for 65021 Expandable Microcomputer, a 6502-based computer, made in 2021. The 65021EM runs an operating system called MP/OS (Monitor Programming Operating System).
This repository holds all the necessary resources for the project, which includes source code and schematics.
- CPU: 65C02
- RAM: 32KB
- ROM: 16KB
- CLOCK: 2Mhz
- 6 expansion slots
- Slot 1: UART module
- Slot 1: Video Display Processor (VDP) module
- Slot x: SPI interface(s) (TODO)
- RAM: $0000 - $7FFF (binary 0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
- TMS9918: $A800 - $A80F (binary 10101xxxxxxx1111)
- SERIAL: $B000 - $B00F (binary 10110xxxxxxx1111)
- ROM: $C000 - $FFFF (binary 11xxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
Memory display
MD addr1 (addr2)
Memory modify at addr
MM addr byte1 (... byten)
Fill memory range with byte
MF addr1 addr2 byte
Assemble at addr
ASM addr
Disassemble at addr
(optionally amount of lines):
DIS addr (lines)
Execute at addr
R addr
XMODEM receive at addr
XM addr
Set breakpoint at addr
SBRK addr
Clear breakpoint at addr
(will clear all breakpoints if no address is specified)
CBRK (addr)
1000: LDA #01
1002: ASL A
1003: STA 3000
1006: RTS
<ESC to exit>
// assemble code
cl65 -t none -C memory_layout.cfg --feature labels_without_colons src/main.asm -o build/os
// write to ROM
minipro -s -p AT28C256 -w build/os
// open terminal session
picocom --b 19200 --send-cmd "sx -vv" --receive-cmd "rx -vv" --omap delbs /dev/ttyUSB0 // linux
picocom --b 19200 --send-cmd "lsx -vv" --receive-cmd "lrx -vv" --omap delbs /dev/tty.usbserial-FT4YNKSL // macos
// edit program bytes with hexeditor
hexeditor -b programs/helloworld