Grab the latest version here
The master branch is used for development
Originally based on DBM for Warmane - Icecrown. Most edits done by Sariyo, Gjeneth, Arrj, Nimloth, Zbruennig and anyone else mentioned in the changelog below.
A version of WotLK DBM with accurate timers for Warmane servers. Please see the Release tab to find the latest stable version.
- This is a continuation of DBM for Warmane - Icecrown
- Timings are based on personal experience, vods, and logs of other guilds on Frostmourne.
- Due to some form of spell batching / spell queuing, there is a small amount of randomness on a lot of boss abilities.
- Most of these are marked as CDs
- For example: Frost Blast on Kel'Thuzad, Locust Swarm (Cast, not the duration) on Anub'Rekhan, Noth's first Blink, and Eonar's Gift are the most random.
Incorporated changes made by Sariyo (his 5.06 and 5.07) to Icecrown Citadel and Halion.
- Possibility to countdown from 10 to 1
- GUI sliders fixed
- Sliders in options to adjust countdown of Flames.
- Versioning (5051) runs separate from forked repo.
- More pronounced flames soon announcement.
- Overload uses boss range mode.
- Adds a boss range mode. (Stay x yards away from boss or die from an explosion of sorts)
- Shock Blast makes use of boss range mode
- Arrow (mostly used by shadow crash on vezax) is now default centered, and can be moved with /dbm arrow move.
- Note: this seems to not work sometimes? Reload ui will fix it usually. Unsure why.
- added
/pull x
alias for/dbm pull x
- Added a timer for Flame Vents
- Adjusted turret timers again.
- Improved turret tracking so it won't reset the timers
- Improved flame jets CD tracking.
- Changed range frame to 15 yards and always on rather than 12 and only when you have the debuff.
- Improved rune of death timer
- Changed death tracking.
- Reduced lightning whirl cd by a lot.
- Fixed spam on rune of death
- Added enrage timer
- Improved feral defender spawn timer
- Slightly reduced p1 to p2 timer
- Added a countdown for flame spawns. Improved timer.
- Changed p1 timers to be more accurate.
- Reduced Sif's timer
- Improved Eonar's Gift spawn tracking.
- Added yell for nature's fury and a range check.
- Fixed sunbeam timer for hardmode
- Cleaned up enable range frame calls. Should work now.
- Adjusted Turret Timers and warnings
- Adjusted tantrum timer to match server a bit better.
- Warn rune of death soon when timer is complete since it seems to vary by ~1 second
- Increased lightning tendril duration by 8.
- Added timer for lightning whirl
- split eyebeam warnings to warn NEAR YOU when it damages you, and ON YOU when its targeting you.
- Drastically reduced respawn time of arms.
- Fixed guardian respawn timer
- Fixed phase timers being slightly off
- Tagged proxmimity mines as a CD
- Reduced nova CD to match server.
- Added Range Radar from later expansions
- Added a timer for when marks will be cast.
- Added a 10 yard range check
- Added a 12 yard range check for the air phase.
- Added a timer for Static Field cooldown in phase 3
- Announce when targeted by Static Field, or when Static Field is near.
- Added 12 yard range check.
- Fixed some typos causing lua errors
- Added 20 yard range check if targeted by overwhelming power.
- Major overhaul of the fight. Adds many more useful timers. -- Thanks Ayaro1
- Added extra timers for emerges
- Added phases for Details 8.3 backport.
- Removed chat spam from instability.
- Improved harvest soul and defile timers
- Added phase tracking support in Ulduar for Details! 8.3 backport
- Re-Added DBM-Profiles
- Removed malicious time bomb edit
- Added timer for Blink on 25 man
- Added duration timer for Mind Controls (from your raid team)
- Adjusted Phase 2 timer
- Added timer for the gate opening
- Added timer for Sir Zeliek's Holy Wrath
- Added a chat message when you get Mutating Injection
- Adjust timer for Locust Swarm ending (not when he casts it, that's somewhat random)
- Added duration timer for Mind Controls (from your raid team)
- Adjusted Phase 2 timer
- Adjusted the Range Check from 10 to 12 to better reflect the Frost Blast range on Warmane
- Added timer for Mind Control on 25 man
- Added timer for Frost Blast
- Added warning timer for Mind Control
- Added a bunch of warnings for Detonate Mana. You can't miss it now.
- Adjusted timers for Tenebron / Vesperon / Shadron landing
- Added a timer for Whelps spawning (from Tenebron's portal, as most groups don't kill his acolyte)
- Added timers for portals activating for Vesperon and Shadron
- Added a timer for the first Vortex
- Added a timer for the first intermission, when Malygos is attackable
- Added a timer for the second intermission, when Malygos wipes his debuffs and starts casting Surge of Powers
- Fixed an issue where engaging the boss isn't detected
- Add timers for first ability in each phase
- Add timer for Rune of Death cooldown
- Add timer for Rune of Summoning cooldown
- Adjust Overload warning to always show by default
- Adjust timer for Flash Freeze
- Added Chain Lightning timer
- Added timer for Frostbolt Volley
- Added timer for Frost Nova
- Added timer for Sunbeam
- Added timer for Strengthened Iron Roots
- Added timer for Allies of Nature (add spawns)
- Added timer for Mark of the Faceless CD
- Big Bang now shows its alert even in a Black Hole
- Adjust timers between phases
- Adjust Flame Suppressant timer
- Adjust hard mode detection trigger
- Changed update download link to
- Added the "/dbm rel" command to broadcast version check results to raid chat instead of self
- This function requires you to be promoted in raid to avoid spam
- This does not (yet) work for party chat
- Set the update notification to enabled by default
- This does not appear to override settings with the notification disabled but works for fresh installs of this edited DBM
- Added the ElvUI main texture to DBM and set it to default
- If you have ElvUI installed, you might see this texture twice in the dropdown list when choosing another texture
- Set the default size of the small bars to 207
- Removed some code that was edited out to reduce file size
- Fixed Bone Spike timers
- Fixed Bone Storm timer
- Fixed Bone Storm cooldown timer
- Added "Spikes up in..." timer for when Bone Spikes is being cast.
- This acts as a secondary timer next to the cooldown timer
- Added "Whirlwind starts in..." timer for when Bone Storm is being cast.
- This acts as a secondary timer next to the cooldown timer
- Fixed heroic mode timers by breaking normal mode
- Adjusted adds spawn timers to be more accurate
- Adjusted the first dominate mind timer to be more accurate
- Ability is being used anywhere between 40 and 48 seconds so use it as a cooldown reset timer
- Added the option to enable automatic removal of Mark/Gift of the Wild after 24 seconds of combat
- The 24 second delay is so that the buff is still active during first trinket uptime
- This option is enabled by default for dps and healers
- Fixed combat start timer
- Fixed the Battle Mage timer on Alliance side
- Alliance and Horde have seperate code.
- I don't play Horde side so that's not getting fixed anytime soon unless someone is willing to provide data
- Fixed the timer for the first set of Bloodbeasts
- Fixed combat start timer for the first pull on Alliance side
- Alliance and Horde have seperate code.
- I don't play Horde side so that's not getting fixed anytime soon unless someone is willing to provide data
- Fixed Vile Gas timer
- Fixed Poison Slime Pipes timer
- Adjusted the Range Check from 8 to 10 to better reflect the aoe range of Vile Gas on Warmane
- Cleaned up code that was edited out to reduce file size and RAM load
- Fixed Range Check to auto show
- Adjusted the Range Check from 8 to 10 to better reflect the aoe range of Vile Gas on Warmane
- Adjusted the enrage timer to be more accurate
- Fixed the starting trigger for the bossmod, portal timers are showing again
- Fixed Berserk timer for heroic difficulty (420 seconds)
- Fixed Abom timers
- Fixed Blazing Skeleton timers
- Added timers and special warnings for Suppressors
- Set the Range Check to always use Heroic Mode values (20) regardless of difficulty
- Added a raidchat notification "Gained_Instability" when casters/healers gain a stack of Instability
- Added a raidchat notification "Instability_Reset" when casters/healers drop their stacks of Instability
- Fixed combat start timer
- Fixed the first phase 2 Soul Reaper timer - Thanks to Arrj @ Warmane - Icecrown
- Fixed Harvest Souls timers for Heroic mode
- Timer for this can sometimes finish 1-3 seconds before the abilty is used cause Warmane
- Adjusted Fear timer to be more accurate
- First fear seems to be a bit random
- Adjusted timer for first adds to be more accurate
- First summon adds seems to be a bit random
- Added "Adds arrive in..." timer
- Fixed combat start timer
- Fixed combat start timer
- Adjusted submerge timer to be more accurate, improvements still needed
- Adjusted emerge timer to be more accurate
- Fixed timer for Icehowls first Massive Crash
- Added a seperate timer for the second Massive Crash in case the original timer from DBM doesn't trigger
- It's possible to have two timers up for the second Massive Crash if and when the original timer triggers but that's better than having none
- Fixed combat start timer for the first pull
- Nether Power timers fix and warnings by Nimloth/Lothe @ Warmane Icecrown
- Fixed timers for Nether Volcano's
- Fixed timer for the first Nether Portal
- Added a seperate timer with warning for the second Nether Portal since the original timer does not activate after the first portal spawns
- Added a seperate timer, warning and special warning for the second submerge since the original does not reactivate after the first burrow
- Fixed enrage timer
- Fixed combat start timer
- Fixed combat start timer for the first pull
- Fixed Forcefull Smash timer