- 2328279
- [email protected]
- CPSC-350-01
- Assignment 6
- SchoolDatabase: Implements GenDatabase to create a Student-Table and Faculty-Table and handles the functions that require an interaction between the two
- GenDatabase: Abstracts bst.h and presents only the functions that will be needed for a person-Table (holds either students or faculty)
- Person: Parent class for Student and Faculty
- Faculty: Class used to create Faculty objects in the database
- Student: Class used to create student objects in the database
- ListInterface: Abstract Interface for the doubleLinkedList class
- DoubleLinkedList: List used to keep track of students without an advisor
- ListNode: Nodes for double-linked list
- bst: Template class for both the BST and their nodes
- FileProcessor: Handles file opening, input, and output
- RollbackStack: "Undo" function -> not used in final version
- main
- No Rollback function
- User-response showed how to use some fstream/streambuf methods so that std::cout prints to the .txt file: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10150468/how-to-redirect-cin-and-cout-to-files (Used in main.cpp lines 225-238):
streambuf *coutbuffer = cout.rdbuf();