Linter for Unreal Blueprints. Based of the Linter v2, made compatible with Unreal Engine 5. The original version can still be found on the Marketplace or the original GitHub Repository.
The Linter can be used in two ways:
The Linter can be used to lint Assets in the Editor. To do so, select the Assets you want to lint. These can be single Assets or multiple Assets/Folders. When right-clicking on a selected Asset, you can find the Linter option at the bottom the context menu:
The Linter can also be used as a Commandlet and executed from the command line:
UnrealEditor-Cmd.exe <ProjectPath> -run=Linter <Path(s)>
If no Path is provided, the Linter will default to /Game
and lint the whole Content Directory.
Advanced Options:
Specify a custom LintRuleSet to use (see below). Default: Marketplace-json and -json=<Path>
Write the Linter output to a JSON file. Default: <ProjectPath>/Saved/LintReports/-html and -html=<Path>
Write the Linter output to a interactive HTML file. Default: <ProjectPath>/Saved/LintReports/- Both
can be absolute or relative paths and can contain a filename for the file. Both Options can be used at the same time.
The Linter works with a Collection of LintRules, which are grouped into RuleSets. Each LintRule can check for a specific quality or style issue in a Blueprint. The Linter provides 2 RuleSets by default:
checks against the Epic Games Marketplace
checks against the guidelines.
You can define your own RuleSets by creating a new DataAsset of type LintRuleSet
and adding LintRules to it.
To create new LintRules, subclass ULintRule
and override the PassesRule
When using the Linter as a Commandlet, you can specify a RuleSet, predefined or your own, with the -RuleSet
To install the Linter into a Project, simply clone the Linter
folder into the Plugins
folder of your Project.
To install the Linter into the Engine, clone the Linter
into some Place on your Computer.
You then need to Build the Plugin using the UAT and copy the built Plugin into the Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/
# Clone Repository
git clone Linter
# Build Plugin. Both Paths must be absolute, otherwise UAT will complain.
# You cannot Build the Plugin directly into the Engine folder!
<path-to-engine>/Engine/Build/BatchFiles/RunUAT.bat BuildPlugin -Plugin=`pwd`/Linter/Linter.uplugin -Package=`pwd`/Linter_
# Copy Plugin into Engine and Clean up
cp -r Linter_ <path-to-engine>/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/Linter
rm -r Linter Linter_
If you have ue4cli installed (which I highly recommend), you can simply use ue4 uat
instead of <path-to-engine>/Engine/Build/BatchFiles/RunUAT.bat