NUS-SU-Calculator is a telegram bot specially built for AY19/20 Semester 2. It provides a guide on which modules to S/U in order to maximise one's CAP. The bot is stable, fast and accurate. It is officially pushed out for use on 24/05/2020 and has received an overwhelming 10000+ users till date. Bot address:
pip install logging
pip install inflect
pip install telegram
import logging
import inflect
import os
import telegram
PORT = int(os.environ.get('PORT', < Port Number > ))
bot = telegram.Bot(token= < API Key >)
updater = Updater(
< API Key > , use_context=True)
#For webhook
updater.start_webhook(listen= < Listen Address >,
url_path= < API Key >) < Server Name > +
< API Key > )