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Description :

custom Command Line Interface(CLI) with C Shell. There are 3 Levels of CLI users: Normal (user), configuration (root), and engineering (engg). These levels will be protected by a password. User mode has the least privileged access to RAS commands. Engg mode is the most privileged access to RAS commands. Default CLI user's password are as follows: for CLI user, the password is user and prompt is user>, for CLI root user, the password is the root, and the prompt is root# and for CLI engg user, the password is engg and prompt is engg$.

CLI commands are as follows:

CLI command description CLI user's level access

login - login to user, root, engg
set passwd - set passwd for root, engg set system prompt - set prompt for current CLI user level user, root, engg
who am i - display the current CLI user level. user, root, engg
show mode list - display all CLI user levels. engg exit application - exit from application user, root, engg

CLI command for numeric operations description CLI user's level access

+ - numeric addition user, root, engg - - numeric subtraction user, root, engg
* - numeric multiplication user, root, engg
/ - numeric division user, root, engg % - numeric modulus user, root, engg

? will provide various next-level CLI command options.

for example user>?

exit login set who

Purpose :

In all my respective repositories, I just shared the works that I worked as the learning path and practiced, with designed, developed, implemented, simulated, and tested, including some projects, assignments, documentation, and all other related files and some programming that might not be implemented, not being completed, lacks some features or have some bugs. The purpose of all my repositories, if used, can be used for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSE ONLY. It can be used as open source and freeware. Kindly read the LICENSE.txt for license, terms, and conditions about the use of source codes, binaries, documentation, and all other files, located in all my repositories.

Note :

Kindly read in the source codes, if mentioned, about the Program Description or Purpose, Known Bugs, Caution, and Notes and documentation.


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