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output all shadowed variables in both repl and cli
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jmcardon committed Feb 13, 2025
1 parent fb9681c commit 1189ca5
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Showing 3 changed files with 166 additions and 40 deletions.
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions pact-repl/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ data ReplOpts
| OServer FilePath
-- Crypto
| OGenKey
| OCheckNativeShadowing FilePath
deriving (Eq, Show)

replOpts :: O.Parser (Maybe ReplOpts)
Expand All @@ -61,8 +62,10 @@ replOpts = O.optional $
<|> O.flag' OLanguageServer (O.long "lsp" <> "Start Language Server")
<|> apiReqFlag
<|> unsignedReqFlag
<|> O.flag' OGenKey (O.short 'g' <> O.long "genkey" <> "Generate ED25519 keypair")
<|> loadFlag
<|> OServer <$> O.strOption (O.metavar "CONFIG" <> O.short 's' <> O.long "server" <> "Run Pact-Server")
<|> checkNativeShadowingFlag

-- Todo: trace output and coverage?
loadFlag :: O.Parser ReplOpts
Expand All @@ -78,6 +81,11 @@ loadFlag = fmap OLoad $
<*> O.argument O.str
(O.metavar "FILE" <> "File path to compile (if .pact extension) or execute.")

checkNativeShadowingFlag :: O.Parser ReplOpts
checkNativeShadowingFlag =
<$> O.strOption(O.metavar "FILE" <> O.long "check-shadowing" <> "Run a native shadowing check over a particular .pact or .repl file")

argParser :: O.ParserInfo (Maybe ReplOpts)
argParser = (O.helper <*> replOpts)
(O.fullDesc <> O.header "The Pact Smart Contract Language Interpreter")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -126,6 +134,7 @@ main = O.execParser argParser >>= \case
OServer configPath -> Y.decodeFileEither configPath >>= \case
Left perr -> putStrLn $ Y.prettyPrintParseException perr
Right config -> runServer config noSPVSupport
OCheckNativeShadowing fp -> checkParsedShadows fp
runScript f dolog = execScript dolog f >>= \case
(Left pe, state) -> do
Expand Down
33 changes: 32 additions & 1 deletion pact-repl/Pact/Core/Repl/Compile.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ module Pact.Core.Repl.Compile
, defaultLoadFile
, mkReplState
, mkReplState'
, checkParsedShadows
) where

import Control.Lens
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -253,6 +254,36 @@ mangleFilePath fp = do
| takeFileName currFile == currFile -> pure fp
| otherwise -> pure $ combine (takeDirectory currFile) fp

checkParsedShadows :: FilePath -> IO ()
checkParsedShadows fp = do
source <- T.readFile fp
case Lisp.lexer source >>= Lisp.parseReplProgram of
Left err -> do
let errorLoc = view peInfo err
msg = pretty errorLoc <> ":" <+> pretty err
T.putStrLn (renderCompactText' msg)
Right program -> do
let (_, reverse -> shadows) = runShadowsM replBuiltinMap (traverse checkReplTopLevelShadows program)
case shadows of
[] -> pure ()
_ -> do
let shadowOutput = vsep $ fmap (\s@(Shadows _ _ i) -> pretty i <> ":" <+> pretty s) shadows
T.putStrLn $ renderCompactText' shadowOutput

liftShadowsReplM :: ShadowsM b FileLocSpanInfo a -> ReplM b a
liftShadowsReplM act = do
natives <- viewEvalEnv eeNatives
let (a, shadows) = runShadowsM natives act
case reverse shadows of
[] -> pure a
h:rest -> do
traverse_ printShadow (h:rest)
throwError $ toShadowingError h
printShadow s@(Shadows _ _ i) = replPrintLn i s
toShadowingError (Shadows _ arg i) = PEDesugarError (InvalidNativeShadowing arg) i

:: ReplInterpreter
-> SourceCode
Expand All @@ -263,7 +294,7 @@ interpretReplProgram interpreter sc@(SourceCode sourceFp source) = do
debugIfFlagSet ReplDebugLexer lexx
parsed <- liftEither $ bimap (fmap toFileLoc) ((fmap.fmap) toFileLoc) (parseSource lexx)
setBuiltinResolution sc
traverse_ (liftShadowsMEvalM . checkReplTopLevelShadows) parsed
traverse_ (liftShadowsReplM . checkReplTopLevelShadows) parsed
traverse pipe' parsed
renderDoc info doc = liftIO (renderBuiltinDoc doc) >>= \case
Expand Down
164 changes: 125 additions & 39 deletions pact/Pact/Core/NativeShadowing.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,35 +14,100 @@
-- module names and interface names
module Pact.Core.NativeShadowing
( liftShadowsMEvalM
, runShadowsM
( runShadowsM
, ShadowsM
, checkTopLevelShadows
, checkReplTopLevelShadows)
, checkReplTopLevelShadows
, Shadows(..))

import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Data.Foldable(traverse_)
import Data.Text(Text)

import Pact.Core.Errors
import Pact.Core.Environment
import Pact.Core.Names
import Pact.Core.Syntax.ParseTree
import Pact.Core.Type
import Pact.Core.Pretty

import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M

-- | The context of what is being shadowed,
-- that is, the location and type of definition where shadowing is occuring.
data ShadowCtx
= DefNameCtx DefKind QualifiedName
| DefArgContext DefKind Int QualifiedName
| DefBodyContext DefKind QualifiedName
| ModuleCtx ModuleName
| InterfaceCtx ModuleName
| InterfaceDefCtx DefKind QualifiedName
| InterfaceDefArgCtx DefKind Int QualifiedName
| TopLevelExprCtx
deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Pretty ShadowCtx where
pretty = \case
DefNameCtx dk qn ->
"in the definition name of" <+> pretty dk <+> pretty qn
DefArgContext dk argIx qn ->
"in definition" <+> pretty dk <+> pretty qn <+> "at argument position" <+> pretty argIx
DefBodyContext dk qn ->
"in the body of definition" <+> pretty dk <+> pretty qn
ModuleCtx mn ->
"in module name" <+> pretty mn
InterfaceCtx mn ->
"in interface name" <+> pretty mn
InterfaceDefCtx dk qn ->
"in the definition name of" <+> pretty dk <+> pretty qn
InterfaceDefArgCtx dk argIx qn ->
"in definition" <+> pretty dk <+> pretty qn <+> "at argument position" <+> pretty argIx
TopLevelExprCtx ->
"in top level expression"

data Shadows i
= Shadows ShadowCtx Text i
deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Pretty i => Pretty (Shadows i) where
pretty (Shadows ctx shadowedVar _) =
"Variable" <+> pretty shadowedVar <+> "shadows native of the same name" <+> pretty ctx

data ShadowsEnv b
= ShadowsEnv
{ _context :: ShadowCtx
, _natives :: M.Map Text b

newtype ShadowsM b i a
= ShadowsM (ExceptT (PactError i) (Reader (M.Map Text b)) a)
= ShadowsM (StateT [Shadows i] (Reader (ShadowsEnv b)) a)
( Functor
, Applicative
, Monad
, MonadError (PactError i)
, MonadReader (M.Map Text b)
) via (ExceptT (PactError i) (Reader (M.Map Text b)))
, MonadState [Shadows i]
, MonadReader (ShadowsEnv b)
) via (StateT [Shadows i] (Reader (ShadowsEnv b)))

withContext :: ShadowCtx -> ShadowsM b i a -> ShadowsM b i a
withContext ctx = local (\(ShadowsEnv _ n) -> ShadowsEnv ctx n)

viewContext :: ShadowsM b i ShadowCtx
viewContext = asks _context

-- | Enrich the context of a Def within a module (or a top level repl def)
-- with its qualified name
withModuleDefCtx :: MArg i -> (QualifiedName -> ShadowCtx) -> ShadowsM b i a -> ShadowsM b i a
withModuleDefCtx (MArg defname _ _) mkCtx act =
viewContext >>= \case
ModuleCtx mn -> withContext (mkCtx (QualifiedName defname mn)) act
InterfaceCtx mn -> withContext (mkCtx (QualifiedName defname mn)) act
-- A `def` cannot exist outside a `ModuleCtx` outside of the REPL, so we can safely assume this is a
-- REPL def
_ -> withContext (mkCtx (QualifiedName defname replModuleName)) act

checkExprShadows :: Expr i -> ShadowsM b i ()
checkExprShadows expr =
Expand All @@ -65,39 +130,59 @@ checkMArgShadows (MArg name _mty i) = checkNativeShadows name i

checkNativeShadows :: Text -> info -> ShadowsM b info ()
checkNativeShadows name i = do
natives <- ask
ShadowsEnv ctx natives <- ask
when (M.member name natives) $
throwError (PEDesugarError (InvalidNativeShadowing name) i)
modify' (Shadows ctx name i:)

checkDefunShadows :: Defun i -> ShadowsM b i ()
checkDefunShadows (Defun spec args term _anns _) = do
traverse_ checkMArgShadows (spec:args)
traverse_ checkExprShadows term
withModuleDefCtx spec (DefNameCtx DKDefun) $ checkMArgShadows spec
forM_ (zip [0..] args) $ \(idx, arg) ->
withModuleDefCtx spec (DefArgContext DKDefun idx) $ checkMArgShadows arg
withModuleDefCtx spec (DefBodyContext DKDefun) $ traverse_ checkExprShadows term

checkDefcapShadows :: DefCap i -> ShadowsM b i ()
checkDefcapShadows (DefCap spec args term _ _ _) = do
traverse_ checkMArgShadows (spec:args)
traverse_ checkExprShadows term
withModuleDefCtx spec (DefNameCtx DKDefCap) $ checkMArgShadows spec
forM_ (zip [0..] args) $ \(idx, arg) ->
withModuleDefCtx spec (DefArgContext DKDefCap idx) $ checkMArgShadows arg
withModuleDefCtx spec (DefBodyContext DKDefCap) $ traverse_ checkExprShadows term

checkDefconstShadows :: DefConst i -> ShadowsM b i ()
checkDefconstShadows (DefConst spec term _ _) = do
checkMArgShadows spec
checkExprShadows term

withModuleDefCtx spec (DefNameCtx DKDefConst) $ checkMArgShadows spec
withModuleDefCtx spec (DefBodyContext DKDefConst) $ checkExprShadows term
-- Note: We don't have to check whether `args` shadow here
-- since they're object fields
checkDefSchemaShadows :: DefSchema i -> ShadowsM b i ()
checkDefSchemaShadows (DefSchema name _args _ i) = do
checkNativeShadows name i
checkDefSchemaShadows (DefSchema name _args _ i) = viewContext >>= \case
ModuleCtx mn -> do
let qn = QualifiedName name mn
withContext (DefNameCtx (DKDefSchema (fakeSchema qn)) qn) act
-- A `def` cannot exist outside a `ModuleCtx` outside of the REPL, so we can safely assume this is a
-- REPL def
-- you can't define repl defschemas yet so this case is actually impossible, but in the future it might not be
_ -> do
let qn = QualifiedName name replModuleName
withContext (DefNameCtx (DKDefSchema (fakeSchema qn)) qn) act
act = checkNativeShadows name i
-- We kind of need this because I unfortunately made `DefKind` take a parameter :(
fakeSchema qn = Schema qn mempty

checkDeftableShadows :: DefTable i -> ShadowsM b i ()
checkDeftableShadows (DefTable name _ _ i) = checkNativeShadows name i
checkDeftableShadows (DefTable name _ _ i) =
withModuleDefCtx (MArg name Nothing i) (DefNameCtx DKDefTable) $
checkNativeShadows name i

checkDefpactShadows :: DefPact i -> ShadowsM b i ()
checkDefpactShadows (DefPact spec args steps _ann _) = do
traverse_ checkMArgShadows (spec:args)
traverse_ checkShadowedStep steps
withModuleDefCtx spec (DefNameCtx DKDefPact) $ checkMArgShadows spec
forM_ (zip [0..] args) $ \(idx, arg) ->
withModuleDefCtx spec (DefArgContext DKDefPact idx) $ checkMArgShadows arg
withModuleDefCtx spec (DefBodyContext DKDefPact) $ traverse_ checkShadowedStep steps
checkShadowedStep = \case
Step me e _ -> do
Expand All @@ -117,21 +202,27 @@ checkDefShadows = \case
DPact d -> checkDefpactShadows d

checkModuleShadows :: Module i -> ShadowsM b i ()
checkModuleShadows (Module mname _gov _exts defs _anns i) = do
checkModuleShadows (Module mname _gov _exts defs _anns i) = withContext (ModuleCtx (ModuleName mname Nothing)) $ do
checkNativeShadows mname i
traverse_ checkDefShadows defs

checkIfDefunShadows :: IfDefun i -> ShadowsM b i ()
checkIfDefunShadows (IfDefun spec args _anns _) =
traverse_ checkMArgShadows (spec:args)
checkIfDefunShadows (IfDefun spec args _anns _) = do
withModuleDefCtx spec (DefNameCtx DKDefun) $ checkMArgShadows spec
forM_ (zip [0..] args) $ \(idx, arg) ->
withModuleDefCtx spec (DefArgContext DKDefun idx) $ checkMArgShadows arg

checkIfDefcapShadows :: IfDefCap i -> ShadowsM b i ()
checkIfDefcapShadows (IfDefCap spec args _ _ _) =
traverse_ checkMArgShadows (spec:args)
checkIfDefcapShadows (IfDefCap spec args _ _ _) = do
withModuleDefCtx spec (DefNameCtx DKDefCap) $ checkMArgShadows spec
forM_ (zip [0..] args) $ \(idx, arg) ->
withModuleDefCtx spec (DefArgContext DKDefCap idx) $ checkMArgShadows arg

checkIfDefpactShadows :: IfDefPact i -> ShadowsM b i ()
checkIfDefpactShadows (IfDefPact spec args _ _) =
traverse_ checkMArgShadows (spec:args)
checkIfDefpactShadows (IfDefPact spec args _ _) = do
withModuleDefCtx spec (DefNameCtx DKDefPact) $ checkMArgShadows spec
forM_ (zip [0..] args) $ \(idx, arg) ->
withModuleDefCtx spec (DefArgContext DKDefPact idx) $ checkMArgShadows arg

checkIfDefShadows :: IfDef i -> ShadowsM b i ()
checkIfDefShadows = \case
Expand All @@ -142,7 +233,7 @@ checkIfDefShadows = \case
IfDPact dp -> checkIfDefpactShadows dp

checkInterfaceShadows :: Interface i -> ShadowsM b i ()
checkInterfaceShadows (Interface ifn defns _ _ i) = do
checkInterfaceShadows (Interface ifn defns _ _ i) = withContext (InterfaceCtx (ModuleName ifn Nothing)) $ do
checkNativeShadows ifn i
traverse_ checkIfDefShadows defns

Expand All @@ -159,11 +250,6 @@ checkReplTopLevelShadows = \case
RTLDefun df -> checkDefunShadows df
RTLDefConst dc -> checkDefconstShadows dc

runShadowsM :: M.Map Text b -> ShadowsM b i a -> Either (PactError i) a
runShadowsM :: M.Map Text b -> ShadowsM b i a -> (a, [Shadows i])
runShadowsM e (ShadowsM act) =
runReader (runExceptT act) e

liftShadowsMEvalM :: ShadowsM b i a -> EvalM e b i a
liftShadowsMEvalM act = do
natives <- viewEvalEnv eeNatives
liftEither $ runShadowsM natives act
runReader (runStateT act []) (ShadowsEnv TopLevelExprCtx e)

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