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Add gas for transitive dependencies
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jmcardon committed Feb 25, 2025
1 parent d7def79 commit c47c6d1
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Showing 10 changed files with 509 additions and 59 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions gasmodel/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,13 +9,16 @@ import Pact.Core.GasModel.BuiltinsGas as BuiltinsGas
import Pact.Core.GasModel.ContractBench as ContractBench
import Pact.Core.GasModel.Serialization as Serialization
import Pact.Core.GasModel.ModuleLoadBench as ModuleLoad
import Pact.Core.GasModel.ModuleDepsBench as ModuleDepsBench

main :: IO ()
main = do
depsBenches <- ModuleDepsBench.benchmarks
[ ContractBench.allBenchmarks
, BuiltinsGas.benchmarks
, Serialization.benchmarks
, depsBenches
, ModuleLoad.benchmarks

Expand Down
328 changes: 328 additions & 0 deletions gasmodel/Pact/Core/GasModel/ModuleDepsBench.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,328 @@

{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralisedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}

module Pact.Core.GasModel.ModuleDepsBench where

-- |
-- Module : Pact.Core.GasModel.ModuleDepsBench
-- Copyright : (C) 2025 Kadena
-- License : BSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer : Jose Cardona <[email protected]>
-- Benchmarks for our transitive dependency handling
import Criterion as C
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Lens
import Data.IORef
import Pact.Core.Names
import Pact.Core.Hash
import Pact.Core.Gen
import Pact.Core.IR.Term

import Hedgehog hiding (Var)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Set as S
import NeatInterpolation (text)
import Pact.Core.Builtin
import Pact.Core.Info (LineInfo)
import qualified Hedgehog.Gen as Gen
import qualified Hedgehog.Range as Range
import Pact.Core.Type
import Data.Default
import Pact.Core.Capabilities
import Pact.Core.Guards
import Pact.Core.Environment
import Pact.Core.TransitiveDependencies
import Pact.Core.Persistence
import Pact.Core.PactValue
import Pact.Core.Errors
import Pact.Core.SPV
import Pact.Core.Namespace
import Pact.Core.Gas
import Pact.Core.Persistence.MockPersistence (mockPactDb)
import Pact.Core.Serialise (serialisePact_lineinfo_pact51)
import Pact.Core.GasModel.ModuleLoadBench(sampleWithSeed)

data DPGenState
= DPGenState
{ _validIdents :: M.Map FullyQualifiedName (S.Set FullyQualifiedName)
-- ^ A map from a generated fully qualified name to the set of its dependencies
, _currentDef :: FullyQualifiedName
-- ^ The current definition for which we are generating terms
, _existingModules :: S.Set ModuleName
-- ^ The set of existing modules
, _allDefs :: M.Map FullyQualifiedName (EvalDef CoreBuiltin LineInfo)
-- ^ The map of all generated defs

makeLenses 'DPGenState

-- | A DepGenM action:
-- - Can generate a term within a particular module context
-- - Can record the set of dependencies for a newly generated function
type DepGenM a = ReaderT (ModuleName, ModuleHash) (StateT DPGenState Gen) a

emptyModule :: ModuleName
emptyModule = ModuleName "" Nothing
emptyModuleHash :: ModuleHash
emptyModuleHash = ModuleHash (Hash "")

-- | Run a DepGenM action and return the set of all generated definitions
runDepGenM :: DepGenM a -> Gen (a, M.Map FullyQualifiedName (EvalDef CoreBuiltin LineInfo))
runDepGenM m = do
let initialState = DPGenState mempty (FullyQualifiedName emptyModule "" emptyModuleHash) mempty mempty
over _2 (view allDefs) <$> runStateT (runReaderT m (ModuleName "" Nothing, ModuleHash defaultPactHash)) initialState

-- | Generate `BuiltinForm`s for our generated `EvalTerm`s
evalTermBuiltinFormGen :: DepGenM (BuiltinForm (EvalTerm CoreBuiltin LineInfo))
evalTermBuiltinFormGen = Gen.choice
[ CAnd <$> evalTermGen <*> evalTermGen
, COr <$> evalTermGen <*> evalTermGen
, CIf <$> evalTermGen <*> evalTermGen <*> evalTermGen
, CEnforceOne <$> evalTermGen <*> (ListLit <$> Gen.list (Range.linear 0 16) (evalTermGen) <*> (liftGen lineInfoGen))
, CEnforce <$> evalTermGen <*> evalTermGen
, CWithCapability <$> evalTermGen <*> evalTermGen
, CTry <$> evalTermGen <*> evalTermGen
, CCreateUserGuard <$> evalTermGen

liftGen :: Gen a -> DepGenM a
liftGen = lift . lift

-- | Generate a new definition name, ensuring it does not clash with one of the already generated names.
-- newModuleDefNameGen creates a new fqn to add to the dep set
newModuleDefNameGen :: DepGenM FullyQualifiedName
newModuleDefNameGen = do
(mdl, mh) <- ask
ident <- liftGen identGen
let newFQN = FullyQualifiedName mdl ident mh
idents <- use validIdents
liftGen $ guard (M.notMember newFQN idents)
-- Dependency list starts empty
validIdents %= M.insert newFQN S.empty
pure newFQN

-- | Picks a fully qualified name reference from the set of valid fqns,
-- Adds the selected identifier's dependencies to the current function being generateed's dependencies,
-- to ensure that it maintains a correct by construction transitive closure
fqNameGen :: DepGenM FullyQualifiedName
fqNameGen = do
idents <- use validIdents
currDef <- use currentDef

-- Select any of the already generated identifiers. Recursive is fine,
-- even if pact doesn't produce recursive definitions, the algorithm for the
-- transitive closure should handle recursion naturally
fqn <- liftGen $ Gen.choice (pure <$> (M.keys idents))

-- Inductive step:
-- For every new dependency pulled in by this generator, we must include its dependencies
-- into the dep list of the current def. This way, we generate a correct by construction
-- set of dependents.
-- In other words, if n ∈ Deps(f), then {n} ⋃ Deps(n) ⊂ Deps(f)
dependents <- S.insert fqn <$> uses validIdents (M.! fqn)

validIdents %= M.insertWith S.union currDef dependents
pure fqn

-- | Generates a valid Name reference
-- see See: fqNameGen.
evalNameGen :: DepGenM Name
evalNameGen = do
FullyQualifiedName mn n mh <- fqNameGen
pure (Name n (NTopLevel mn mh))

-- | Generate a term where the only free variables references are in the valid set we have generated
evalTermGen :: DepGenM (EvalTerm CoreBuiltin LineInfo)
evalTermGen = Gen.recursive Gen.choice
[ Var <$> evalNameGen <*> liftGen lineInfoGen
, Builtin <$> Gen.enumBounded <*> liftGen lineInfoGen
, Constant <$> liftGen literalGen <*> liftGen lineInfoGen
[ Lam <$> Gen.nonEmpty (Range.linear 1 16) (liftGen (argGen lineInfoGen)) <*> evalTermGen <*> liftGen lineInfoGen
, Let <$> liftGen (argGen lineInfoGen) <*> evalTermGen <*> evalTermGen <*> liftGen lineInfoGen
, App <$> evalTermGen <*> Gen.list (Range.linear 0 16) (evalTermGen) <*> liftGen lineInfoGen
, Sequence <$> evalTermGen <*> evalTermGen <*> liftGen lineInfoGen
, Nullary <$> evalTermGen <*> liftGen lineInfoGen
, BuiltinForm <$> evalTermBuiltinFormGen <*> liftGen lineInfoGen
, ListLit <$> Gen.list (Range.linear 1 16) (evalTermGen)<*> liftGen lineInfoGen
, ObjectLit <$> Gen.list (Range.linear 1 16) ((,) <$> liftGen fieldGen <*> evalTermGen) <*> liftGen lineInfoGen

evalDefunGen :: DepGenM (Defun Name Type CoreBuiltin LineInfo)
evalDefunGen = do
fqn <- newModuleDefNameGen
currentDef .= fqn
args <- Gen.list (Range.linear 0 10) (liftGen (argGen lineInfoGen))
term <- evalTermGen
let spec = Arg (_fqName fqn) Nothing def
pure $ Defun spec args term def

evalDefCapGen :: DepGenM (DefCap Name Type CoreBuiltin LineInfo)
evalDefCapGen = do
fqn <- newModuleDefNameGen
currentDef .= fqn
args <- Gen.list (Range.linear 0 10) (liftGen (argGen lineInfoGen))
term <- evalTermGen
mgd <- managedGen
let spec = Arg (_fqName fqn) Nothing def
pure $ DefCap spec args term mgd def
managedGen = Gen.choice
[ pure Unmanaged, pure DefEvent, DefManaged . DefManagedMeta (0, "a") . FQName <$> fqNameGen]

evalDefPactGen :: DepGenM (EvalDefPact CoreBuiltin LineInfo)
evalDefPactGen = do
fqn <- newModuleDefNameGen
currentDef .= fqn
args <- Gen.list (Range.linear 0 10) (liftGen (argGen lineInfoGen))
let spec = Arg (_fqName fqn) Nothing def
steps <- Gen.nonEmpty (Range.constant 1 5) stepGen'
pure $ DefPact spec args steps def
stepGen' = Gen.choice
[ Step <$> evalTermGen, StepWithRollback <$> evalTermGen <*> evalTermGen ]

evalDefGen :: DepGenM (EvalDef CoreBuiltin LineInfo)
evalDefGen =
[ DCap <$> evalDefCapGen
, Dfun <$> evalDefunGen
, DPact <$> evalDefPactGen

-- | Generate a module along with its set of dependent functions.
newModuleGen :: DepGenM (EvalModule CoreBuiltin LineInfo, S.Set FullyQualifiedName)
newModuleGen = do
-- create a new module name, and ensure it doesn't overlap with the others
ident <- liftGen moduleNameGen
use existingModules >>= guard . S.notMember ident
-- Add it to the set of new modules
existingModules %= S.insert ident
mh <- liftGen moduleHashGen
local (const (ident, mh)) $ do
defs <- Gen.list (Range.singleton 10) evalDefGen
let gov = KeyGov (KeySetName "foo" Nothing)
let mcode = ModuleCode ""
fqDeps = toFqDep ident mh <$> defs
moduleKeys = S.fromList $ fmap fst $ fqDeps
allDefs %= (`M.union` M.fromList fqDeps)
allIdents <- use validIdents
let identDeps = M.restrictKeys allIdents moduleKeys
expectedDeps = S.filter (\f -> _fqModule f /= ident) $ S.unions identDeps
outModule = Module ident gov defs mempty [] [] mh defaultPactHash mcode def
pure (outModule, expectedDeps)

getRightIO :: Either (PactError LineInfo) b -> IO b
getRightIO = either (error . show) pure

resetEEGas :: EvalEnv b i -> IO ()
resetEEGas ee =
writeIORef (_geGasRef $ _eeGasEnv ee) mempty

numModules :: Int
numModules = 50

mdls :: [(EvalModule CoreBuiltin LineInfo, S.Set FullyQualifiedName)]
allGeneratedDeps :: M.Map FullyQualifiedName (EvalDef CoreBuiltin LineInfo)
(mdls, allGeneratedDeps) = sampleWithSeed 1789 $ runDepGenM $ Gen.list (Range.singleton numModules) newModuleGen

-- Compute the transitive dep gas consumed for one of our generated deps
-- We float this out of the criterion env functions to make sure we don't actually manipulate criterion-generated data
getTransDepsGas :: Int -> IO SatWord
getTransDepsGas mdlIndex = do
let (m, moduleDepSet) = mdls !! mdlIndex
let moduleDeps = M.restrictKeys allGeneratedDeps moduleDepSet
let allDeps = M.fromList (toFqDep (_mName m) (_mHash m) <$> _mDefs m) <> moduleDeps
pdb <- mockPactDb serialisePact_lineinfo_pact51
ee <- setupBenchEvalEnv pdb mempty PUnit
let es = def & esLoaded . loAllLoaded .~ allDeps
_ <- getRightIO =<< runEvalMResult (ExecEnv ee) es
(getAllTransitiveDependencies def mempty m)
MilliGas gasConsumed <- readIORef (view (eeGasEnv . geGasRef) ee)
pure $ gasConsumed

-- To get the gas consumed vs time graph, output the graph with
-- ✗ cabal run gasmodel -- --csv <path> -m ipattern "transitive"
-- Remove all dquotes(") from the CSV, and add an extra column after `Name` that says
-- "Gas Charged".
-- For example, the csv's header will look like this
-- `Name,Mean,MeanLB,MeanUB,Stddev,StddevLB,StddevUB`
-- Simply change it to
-- `Name,Gas Charged,Mean,MeanLB,MeanUB,Stddev,StddevLB,StddevUB`
-- and the csv should load easily into a spreadsheet editor that can generate graphs
benchmarks :: IO Benchmark
benchmarks = do
let moduleIndexes = [0..numModules - 1]
depsGas <- traverse getTransDepsGas moduleIndexes
pure $ C.bgroup "Transitive Dependency benchmarks" (runModuleDepsBench <$> zip moduleIndexes depsGas)

runModuleDepsBench :: (Int, SatWord) -> Benchmark
runModuleDepsBench (mdlIndex, gas) =
bench (title (T.pack (show gas))) $ perRunEnv mkEnv $ \(ee, es, m) ->
(getRightIO =<<) $ runEvalMResult (ExecEnv ee) es $ getAllTransitiveDependencies def mempty m
title bs =
T.unpack [text| Benching transitive dep time vs gas consumed, ${bs} |]
mkEnv = do
let (m, moduleDepSet) = mdls !! mdlIndex
let moduleDeps = M.restrictKeys allGeneratedDeps moduleDepSet
let allDeps = M.fromList (toFqDep (_mName m) (_mHash m) <$> _mDefs m) <> moduleDeps
pdb <- mockPactDb serialisePact_lineinfo_pact51
ee <- setupBenchEvalEnv pdb mempty PUnit
let es = def & esLoaded . loAllLoaded .~ allDeps
pure (ee, es, m)

:: PactDb CoreBuiltin i
-> M.Map PublicKeyText (S.Set (CapToken QualifiedName PactValue))
-> PactValue -> IO (EvalEnv CoreBuiltin i)
setupBenchEvalEnv pdb signers mBody = do
gasRef <- newIORef mempty
gasEnv = GasEnv
{ _geGasRef = gasRef
, _geGasLog = Nothing
, _geGasModel = tableGasModel (MilliGasLimit (MilliGas 200_000_000))
pure $ EvalEnv
{ _eeMsgSigs = signers
, _eeMsgVerifiers = mempty
, _eePactDb = pdb
, _eeMsgBody = mBody
, _eeHash = defaultPactHash
, _eePublicData = def
, _eeDefPactStep = Nothing
, _eeMode = Transactional
, _eeFlags = mempty
, _eeNatives = coreBuiltinMap
, _eeNamespacePolicy = SimpleNamespacePolicy
, _eeGasEnv = gasEnv
, _eeSPVSupport = noSPVSupport
, _eeWarnings = Nothing

13 changes: 7 additions & 6 deletions gasmodel/Pact/Core/GasModel/ModuleLoadBench.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -49,12 +50,12 @@ import Pact.Core.SizeOf

genModule :: Word64 -> ModuleData CoreBuiltin Info
genModule w =
sampleWithSeed (Seed.from w)
sampleWithSeed w
(moduleDataOnlyGen builtinGen lineInfoGen)

genModules :: Word64 -> [ModuleData CoreBuiltin Info]
genModules w =
sampleWithSeed (Seed.from w)
sampleWithSeed w
(G.list (R.constant 100 100) (moduleDataOnlyGen builtinGen lineInfoGen))

sizeOfVsSize :: IO [(Int, Int)]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -84,8 +85,8 @@ mixSeed (Seed v g) =

-- Sample a generator with a fixed seed, and mix the seed
-- if we can't generate something
sampleWithSeed :: Seed -> Gen a -> a
sampleWithSeed seed gen =
sampleWithSeed :: Word64 -> Gen a -> a
sampleWithSeed (Seed.from -> seed) gen =
loop n s =
if n <= 0 then
Expand All @@ -96,13 +97,13 @@ sampleWithSeed seed gen =
loop (n - 1) (mixSeed s)
Just x ->
Tree.treeValue x
in loop (100 :: Int) seed
in loop (500 :: Int) seed

runModuleLoadBench :: PactDb CoreBuiltin Info -> Int -> Benchmark
runModuleLoadBench pdb i =
envWithCleanup mkModule doRollback $ \ ~(ee, mn, bs) ->
bench (title bs) $ nfIO $ runEvalMResult (ExecEnv ee) def $ do
() <$ getModule def mn
getModule def mn
doRollback _ =
ignoreGas def $ _pdbRollbackTx pdb
Expand Down

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