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kaegi edited this page Feb 4, 2017 · 9 revisions

Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

Open your terminal and type in:

sudo apt-get install libav-tools libavcodec-extra mpv

Download and extract the latest version of SubtitleMemorize from here. To start the program, execute the file SubtitleMemorize in the extracted directory.

Linux Mint 18

Open your terminal and type in:

sudo apt-get install libav-tools libavcodec-extra mpv

Download and extract the latest version of SubtitleMemorize from here. To start the program, execute the file SubtitleMemorize in the extracted directory.

Arch Linux

Open your terminal and type in:

sudo pacman -S ffmpeg gtk3 mpv

Download and extract the latest version of SubtitleMemorize from here. To start the program, execute the file SubtitleMemorize in the extracted directory.


Download and extract the latest version of SubtitleMemorize from here.

Start the installers in the installation directory and follow the given instructions. The dotNet4_6_1.exe installer might show you a already installed in higher version warning, which is acceptable. To start SubtitleMemorize, execute SubtitleMemorize.bat in the main extracted directory.

Unsupported systems: Linux Mint 17.3 and below, Debian 8 and below

These systems ship with GTK+ 3 in a version prior 3.16, so SubtitleMemorize will not work on them.

Other operating systems (other Linux distributions, macOS, ...)

Your know-how is needed! If you managed to manually install the dependencies on these platforms and successfully created a SubtitleMemorize deck, please add an installation tutorial here.

SubtitleMemorize depends on the following frameworks/programs:

  • mono/.NET to start executable
  • ffmpeg for media-related work (splitting video, extracting images/audio from video, rescaling images, normalizing audio, etc.)
  • GTK+ 3 for the GUI (>= version 3.16)
  • mpv for live audio preview (optional)