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List And Grid

Pawel edited this page Oct 13, 2019 · 4 revisions

Component stability: Beta

StdUi provides 2 methods:

and a concept of create update:

Object List

StdUi:ObjectList(parent, itemsTable, create, update, data, padding, oX, oY, limitFn);


This function is responsible for creating and updating vertical list of objects of any type. It is widely used inside StdUi widgets, but you can used it yourself to draw a list of objects.


Argument Type Optional Description
parent Frame - Frame on which we want to draw
itemsTable table Y Array of Frame, this will make sure we are reusing frames, this argument will get populated with created widgets.
create(parent, value, i, key) function or string - Function responsive for creating objects or widget name
update(parent, itemFrame, value, i, key) function - Function responsible for updating objects
data table - Array of data, which object list should represent, technically associative arrays are supported but not advised.
padding number Default: 0 Padding between items
oX number Default: 1 Initial X offset for first element
oY number Default: -1 Initial Y offset for first element
limitFn(i, totalHeight, itemFrameHeight) function Y Limiter function that will stop creating objects if any condition is met (for example totalHeight exceeds certain number)

How create and update functions work, refer to: Create And Update Concept

Named children

ObjectList does not create any named children instead, all objects are populated into itemsTable.


  • itemsTable - table - if you don't provide itemsTable argument, not advised as widgets will not be reusable
  • totalHeight - Number - total height of all widgets


local StdUi = LibStub('StdUi');

local window = StdUi:Window(UIParent,  300, 400, 'Title');

local list = {};
window.items = {};

local function generateData(i)
	list = {};
	for n = 1, i do
		list[n] = {text = tostring(n), value = 'obj' .. n};


local function update(parent, btn, data) = data;
	StdUi:SetObjSize(btn, 60, 20);

	if not btn:HasScript('OnClick') then
		btn:SetScript('OnClick', function(self)

	return btn;

local pad = 0;
local function updateList()
	StdUi:ObjectList(window, window.items, 'Button', update, list, pad, 80, -30);

local slider = StdUi:Slider(window, 10, 100, 3, true, 1, 10);
slider:SetScript('OnValueChanged', function(self)
StdUi:GlueLeft(slider, window, 10, 0, true);

local slider2 = StdUi:Slider(window, 10, 100, 0, true, 0, 10);
slider2:SetScript('OnValueChanged', function(self)
	pad = self:GetValue();
StdUi:GlueRight(slider2, slider, 10, 0);

Object Grid

StdUi:ObjectGrid(parent, itemsMatrix, create, update, data, paddingX, paddingY, oX, oY)


This function is responsible for creating and updating matrix of objects of any type. You can used it yourself to draw a matrix of objects.


Argument Type Optional Description
parent Frame - Frame on which we want to draw
itemsMatrix table Y Matrix of Frame, this will make sure we are reusing frames, this argument will get populated with created widgets.
create(parent, data, rowI, colI) function or string - Function responsive for creating objects or widget name
update(parent, itemFrame, data, rowI, colI) function - Function responsible for updating objects
data table - Matrix of data, which object list should represent, associative arrays are NOT supported.
paddingX number Default: 0 Horizontal padding between items
paddingY number Default: 0 Vertical padding between items
oX number Default: 1 Initial X offset for first element
oY number Default: -1 Initial Y offset for first element


Does not return anything


local StdUi = LibStub('StdUi');

local window = StdUi:Window(UIParent, 800, 400, 'Title');

local list = {};
window.items = {};

local function generateData(x, y)
	list = {};
	for i = 1, y do
		list[i] = {}
		for j = 1, x do
			list[i][j] = { text = i .. ',' .. j, value = 'obj' .. i .. ',' .. j };

generateData(3, 3);

local function update(_, b, d)
	StdUi:SetObjSize(b, 60, 20);

local pad = 0;
local function updateList()
	StdUi:ObjectGrid(window, window.items, 'Checkbox', update, list, pad, pad, 80, -30);

local slider = StdUi:Slider(window, 10, 100, 3, true, 1, 10);
StdUi:GlueLeft(slider, window, 10, 0, true);

local slider2 = StdUi:Slider(window, 10, 100, 3, true, 1, 10);
StdUi:GlueRight(slider2, slider, 10, 0);

local padSlider = StdUi:Slider(window, 10, 100, 0, true, 0, 5);
StdUi:GlueRight(padSlider, slider2, 10, 0);

slider:SetScript('OnValueChanged', function(self)
	generateData(slider:GetValue(), slider2:GetValue());

slider2:SetScript('OnValueChanged', function(self)
	generateData(slider:GetValue(), slider2:GetValue());

padSlider:SetScript('OnValueChanged', function(self)
	pad = padSlider:GetValue();

Create And Update Concept

You may find reference in some widgets to create and update functions. Reason is pretty simple: In WoW you cannot remove frames so making them on the fly is not advised.

Create and Update concept is about creating frames if we need more of them BUT only updating if number of items did not change. If current data is lower than before, we simply hide not needed frames. This concept also incorporates data binding, meaning we will create as many frames as there is data for them.

For example, ObjectList function iterates over data and fires create function if:

  1. itemsTable does not already have data on that position (index based)
  2. data has changed and has more elements than before

update function gets called every time for every element we have in data array.

Note: It is safe to repeatedly call it.

Both create and update function has similar parameters passed to them, with the exception that create does not receive itemFrame


Argument Type Description
parent Frame parent frame that was passed in ObjectList
itemFrame Frame Widget item instance, not present in create function
value any Data from the table of each index
i number Index of data


Argument Type Description
parent Frame parent frame that was passed in ObjectGrid
itemFrame Frame Widget item instance, not present in create function
value any Data from the table of each cell
rowI number Row Index of data
colI number Column Index of data