vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest vagrant-scp
Virtualized web3 development environment for Ethereum
This repository was created to help developers get up and running with ethereum environments and tools.
The scripts folder contains the procedural, host configuration files for installing web3, ethereum, and various other host tools and software.
python web3 - the python web3 library KEVM - Using the KEVM
In order to test our web3 project against the Ethereum testnets or mainnet we need a full or light node. The scripts/ script will connect to the Ropsten testnet in "light" mode. In light mode your node is only syncing a small, recent, portion of the blockchain. This can be useful if you are only running tests or developing.
Currently I have configured geth to run in screen
, this is a linux hack of sorts and plans are underway to trasnition to a system service.