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Some helpful tips, tricks, good practices and ready-made solutions in Javascript / Typescript

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Some helpful tips, tricks, good practices and ready-made solutions in Javascript / Typescript

List of javascript useful practical tricks and patterns

  1. Arrays
    1. Reduce
      1. Sum values
      2. Count the average
      3. Calculate several values at once
      4. Calculate items
      5. Find min and max
      6. Find min and max
      7. Calculate items
      8. Parse array of objects into an object
      9. Filter out data from a nested structure
    2. ReduceRight
      1. Reverse a string
    3. Map
      1. Creating ranges
      2. Extracting data from objects
      3. Parsing to float
      4. Create an alphabet
    4. Flat
      1. Process nested arrays
      2. Extract data from nested API
    5. FlatMap
    6. Filter
      1. Filter out falsy values
  2. Functional programming
    1. Currying
      1. Summing numbers
      2. Adding vat
    2. Partial application
      1. Summing numbers
    3. Recursion
      1. Decrease and conquer - searching
      2. Numbers exponential





Sum values of an array


const numbers = [29.76, 41.85, 46.5];

const sum = numbers.reduce((total, amount) => total + amount);

sum // 118.11

// Other way

const sum = (acc, value) => acc + value;
const mySum = numbers.reduce(sum, 0);


Count the average of array


const numbers = [29.76, 41.85, 46.5];

const average = (array) => array.reduce((a, b) => a + b) / array.length;

const avg = average(numbers)
avg // 39.37

// 2nd way
const avg = array.reduce(sum, 0) / array.length;

// 3rd way
const avg2 = (sum, val, id, arr) => {
  sum += val;
  return id === arr.length - 1 ? sum / arr.length : sum;

Calculating several values at once


// Object
const average = arr => {
const sumCount = arr.reduce(
  (acc, val) => ({sum: val + acc, count acc.count + 1}),
  {sum: 0, count: 0});

  return sumCount.sum / sumCount.count;

// Array
const average = arr => {
const sumCount = arr.reduce(
  (acc, val) => ({sum: acc[0] + val, count acc[1] + 1}),
  [0, 0]);

  return sumCount[0] / sumCount[1]

Calculate itams in an array


const brands = ['suzuki', 'suzuki', 'mercedes', 'audi', 'mercedes'];

const brandsCount = arr.reduce(
    (acc, val) => ({ ...acc, [val]: acc[val] ? acc[val] + 1 : 1}),


  audi: 1
  mercedes: 2
  suzuki: 2

Find min and max in array


const nums = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8];

const [min, max] = nums.reduce(
  (acc, cur) => [Math.min(acc[0], cur), Math.max(acc[1], cur)],
  [Infinity, 0]

// min: 1
// max: 8


Sum even and odd numbers in one go


const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

const evenOddSum = array => array.reduce((acc, cur, id) => (acc[id & 1] += cur,acc), [0,0])

const sum = evenOddSum(numbers);
sum // [9, 6]


Transform array of objects into object storing children objects by id


const objectsArr = [
    id: 1,
    name: 'Peter',
    proffesion: 'plumber',
    id: 2,
    name: 'Mark',
    proffesion: 'baker',
    id: 3,
    name: 'Greg',
    proffesion: 'firefighter',


const objectsByIdArr = objectsArr.reduce(
  (acc, curr) => ({ ...acc, []: curr }),


objectsByIdArr {
  '1': { id: 1, name: 'Peter', proffesion: 'plumber' },
  '2': { id: 2, name: 'Mark', proffesion: 'baker' },
  '3': { id: 3, name: 'Greg', proffesion: 'firefighter' }



Filter out data from nested structure


const data = [
  {a: 'pig', b: 'dog', c: ['apple','grape']}, 
  {a: 'cat', b: 'seal', c: ['banana','orange']}, 
  {a: 'fish', b: 'cow', c: ['coconut','pineapple']}

Filter out fruits


const fruitsOnly = data.reduce((totalFruits, obj) => {
  obj.fruits.forEach((f) => totalFruits.push(f))
  return totalFruits;
}, [])


fruitsOnly:  [
  'apple',     'grape',
  'banana',    'orange',
  'blueberry', 'raspberry',
  'coconut',   'pineapple'




Reverse string
const reverseString = str => str.split('').reduceRight((x, y) => x + y, '');



const range = (from, to, including = true) => {
  const scope = including ? to - from + 1 : to - from - 1;
  return Array(scope)
    .map((_, id) => (including ? from + id : from + id + 1));


Extracting data from objects
const cities = [
  {name: 'New York', long:40.7128, lat: 74.0060},
  {name: 'Tokyo', long:25.2048, lat: 55.2708},
  {name: 'Krakow', long:50.0647, lat: 19.9450},

const avgLong = average( => city.long))
const avgLat = average( =>


Parse float
const numbers = ['4.2332', '12.221', '2131.4367'].map(parseFloat);

// Doesnt work with parseInt! which takes more args


Create alphabet
const ALPHABET = range('A'.charCodeAt(), 'Z'.charCodeAt()).map(code => String.fromCharCode(code));



Process nested arrays

const numbers = [1, 2, [[3, (4)[(5, 6)]][(7, 8)]]];

const oneLevelDeep = numbers.flat(1);

const twoLevelsDeep = numbers.flat(2);

const flattedTotally = numbers.flat(Infinity);


Extract participants from nested api structure
const apiAnswer = [
    id: 122232,
    name: 'John Doe',
    groups: [
        groupId: 121221,
        groupName: 'Doplphins',
        participants: [{ participantId: 3846864, name: 'Max' }],
    id: 122233,
    name: 'Marry Cohen',
    groups: [
        groupId: 232131,
        groupName: 'Alaska Team',
        participants: [{ participantId: 2644487, name: 'Merry' }],
    id: 122234,
    name: 'Christine Malone',
    groups: [
        groupId: 12121221,
        groupName: 'Tigers',
        participants: [
            participantId: 50720006,
            name: 'Harry',
            participantId: 4899911,
            name: 'Barry',
            participantId: 4899966,
            name: 'Lissie',

Solution => x.groups)
  .map(y => y.participants)


    name: 'Max',
    participantId: 3846864,
    name: 'Merry',
    participantId: 2644487,
    name: 'Harry',
    participantId: 50720006,
    name: 'Barry',
    participantId: 4899911,
    name: 'Lissie',
    participantId: 4899966,



Same example as above
  .flatMap(x => x.groups)
  .flatMap(y => y.participants)


Filter out falsy values

[1, 2, 3, 0].filter(Boolean)
// result [1, 2, 3]



Make none using every (function returning true only when non of elements pass the predicate)

const none = (arr, fn) => arr.every(v => !fn(v));


Functional programming

Fire function once
const once = (once) => {
  let done = false;
  return (...args) => {
    if (!done) {
      done = true;
Another way
const once = (fn) => {
  return (...args) => {
    fn && fn(...args);
    fn = null;
Fire function once and after (for ex. warning)
const onceAndAfter = (once, after) => {
  let done = false;
  return (...args) => {
    if (!done) {
      done = true;
    } else {

Factorial by range


const factorialByRange = n => range(1, n).reduce((x, y) => x * y, 1); 




let cache = [];

const fibo = (n) => {
  if (cache[n] === undefined) {
    if (n === 0) {
      cache[0] = 0;
    } else if (n === 1) {
      cache[1] = 1;
    } else {
      cache[n] = fibo(n - 2) + fibo(n - 1);
  return cache[n];

Working with objects


Getting a property from an object

const cities = [
  { name: 'New York', long: 40.7128, lat: 74.006 },
  { name: 'Tokyo', long: 25.2048, lat: 55.2708 },
  { name: 'Krakow', long: 50.0647, lat: 19.945 },

const avgLong = average( => city.long));
const avgLat = average( =>;

Get field value

const example = {
  name: 'Tom',
  age: 26,

const getField = attr => obj => obj[attr];

const getName = getField('name)';
const getAge = getField('age)';

getName(example) // "Tom"
getAge(example) // 26

// From previous example
cont avgLon = average('lon'))); // 38.66076666666667
cont avgLat = average('lat')));

// Also see lodash: .get, .property, .propertyOf

Logically negating a function

const not = fn => (...args) => !fn(...args);

Reversed filter

const filterNot = arr => fn => arr.filter(not(fn));

Inverting results

const invert = fn => (...args) => -fn(...args);

Functional programming



const exampleFn = (a, b, c) => `${100 * a + 10 * b + c}`;
const exampleCurried = a => b => c => `${100 * a + 10 * b + c}`;

Sum numbers using currying


// Normal way
const sumNumbers = (a, b, c, d) => a + b + c + d;
// sumNumbers(1,2,3,4) => 10

// Currying by hand

const curriedSumNumbers = a => b => c => d => a + b + c + d;
// curriedSumNumbers(1)(2)(3)(4) => 10

Adding vat curried way


const addVAT = (rate, amount) => amount * (1 + rate / 100); 
// addVAT(20,500) => 600

// Curried example
const addVATcurried = rate => amount => amount * (1 + rate / 100);
const addFoodVAT = addVATcurried(18);
// addFoodVAT(100) => 118

Partial application


Sum numbers using partial application
// Partial application by hand
const sumNumbers = (a, b) => a + b;
const partial = (fn, ...args) => (...moreArgs) => fn(...args, ...moreArgs)
const add1 = partial(sumNumbers, 1);
// add1(2) => 3

// Using js bind
const sumNumbers = (a, b, c, d) => a + b + c + d;
const partiallyAppliedSumNumbers = sumNumbers.bind(null, 1, 2);

// partiallyAppliedSumNumbers(3,4) 10

const otherPartiallyAppliedSumNumbers = partiallyAppliedSumNumbers.bind(null, 3);
// otherPartiallyAppliedSumNumbers(4) => 10


Decrease and conquer - searching

Checking if the value is in array


const isInArray = (arr, key) => {
  if (arr.length === 0) {
  	return false;
  } else if (arr[0] === key) {
  	return true;
  } else {
  	return isInArray(arr.slice(1), key);

const numberArr = [1, 3, 4];

// isInArray(numberArr, 3) => true
// isInArray(numberArr, 3) => false

const isInArray2 = (arr, key) => arr.length === 0 ? false : arr[0] === key || isInArray2(arr.slice(1), key);

const arra = [1, 3, 4];

// isInArray(arra, 3) => true
// isInArray(arra, 2) => false

const isInArray3 = (arr, key) => arr.length && (arr[0] === key || isInArray2(arr.slice(1), key))
// this will return 0 (array length) if there's no searched value

Exponentiation of numbers


const powerN = (base, power) => {
	if(power === 0) {
  	return 1;
  } else if (power % 2) {
  	return base * powerN(base, power-1);
  } else {
  	return powerN(base * base, power / 2);

// powerN(2, 10) => 1024


Some helpful tips, tricks, good practices and ready-made solutions in Javascript / Typescript






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